Year 6-7 Transition
Applications: Secondary College Applications have been sent out to Grade 6 families via Compass. 15th MAY: Applications must be returned to Oak Park Primary School by this date, even if your child is not attending a Government Secondary College. There is provision for Private and Catholic Colleges 5th AUGUST: Schools will notify families of the outcome of your Application As information comes in from Secondary Colleges, we will place on the website. Should you have any queries about the process, please contact Fran MacDonough via email [email protected] It is advisable for families to contact local Secondary Colleges with regard to future school tours and information nights. Below is some information regarding Glenroy Secondary College, which is the local designated school for a majority of our families PLEASE NOTE: Some Secondary Colleges offer a SEAL Program which allow students from outside the zone to apply for enrolment. Strathmore Secondary College also offer enrolment on Curriculum grounds, please see their website or give them a call. We would ask families to be aware when applying for Secondary Colleges that some schools are strictly zoned and will not be offering placements unless you are in their zone (They will ask for proof of residence). These include Strathmore Secondary College and Buckley Park College. These schools do have a SEAL Program so you may apply via that program by contacting the school. If you are applying for a zoned school which is outside your area, please put at least 2 or 3 school choices on your application. |
GLENROY SECONDARY COLLEGE For quite a long time now, Glenroy College has effectively educated students through their secondary years and achieved excellent final years results, including a range of exclusive scholarship recipients, in very old and well-worn buildings. While we acknowledge that buildings and facilities are not everything, they certainly help to create more positive perceptions in parents and encourages them to consider enrolling their child into schools with attractive and well-presented facilities.
We are really excited that Glenroy Secondary College will be significantly rebuilt over the course of 2020, with expected occupation of the new buildings in December/January 2020-21. This means that Year 7 students starting at Glenroy College in 2021 will be starting with brand new facilities, which will continue to be improved throughout their 6 years in secondary school. Due to schools currently not being able to host parent tour groups through our facilities and to talk about our curriculum, support structures and leadership opportunities, our ability to share what we have to offer has largely been removed. This is of particular import at this time when families are choosing the secondary school for their child. The Principal, Anne-Maree Crivelli can be contacted on 0488 993 004 by any parent who would like to discuss any queries they have about Glenroy College. Please click here to view Glenroy College new facility design. |
In lieu of school tours Brunswick Secondary College have put information on their website regarding Year 7, 2021. The information includes:
Essendon Keilor College – school tours
Please see link below for a message from our junior campus principals in relation to school tours at Essendon Keilor College Essendon Keilor College 2020 School Tours Phone: 9319 1346 The tour times will be for approx ½ hour from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Bookings are essential. Please click here for the 2020 Year 7 Scholarship application COBURG HIGH SCHOOLIn lieu of the annual Open Evening and postponed school tours, we’ve prepared a video presentation for prospective future families for 2021 enrolment at Coburg High School: Coburg High School Virtual Tour
If families have any questions for us, our lines are still open on 9353 1700 or email [email protected] and we will get back to those families as soon as possible. Coburg HS links: SELECT NEXT ACCELERATED LEARNING (SEAL) PROGRAM |