Oak Park Primary School seeks to develop the skills that will enable our students to participate successfully in a global community. Teachers will engage students in ways not previously possible. We aim for our students to be come adaptable, effective and ethical users of technology to learn, create and communicate.
Our 1:1 program aims to prepare our students to excel technologically and to:
Be engaged learners (an iPad 1:1 program supports innovative curriculum planning and implementation. The interactivity of iPad technology provides students with a highly engaging learning experience).
Be creative thinkers (there is an excellent range of apps designed to stimulate the student's creative instincts where virtual and real world creativity can be managed).
Be problem solvers (powerful apps mean students just don't consume content, they create it and are able to find their own way to problem solve and engage with it).
Be connected global citizens (an iPad 1:1 program will support the initiating of global communication and collaboration).
Be independent and self directed learners (an iPad 1:1 program provides students with personal, portable devices to access learning at a time, in a place and at a pace, which supports their learning needs).
Be social collaborators (the iPad program will enable students to research, to access information and to connect with others for communication and collaboration).
Our 1:1 Mission Statement
To embed ICT in all curriculum areas using appropriate pedagogies.
To provide connected learning beyond the school.
To give students and teachers the appropriate ICT and multi-literacy skills for future learning and teaching.
To support Staff in their own professional learning to enable them to have the skills and confidence to enhance their teaching and personal work organisation.
To develop students' curiousity and ability to: - Think logically and critically - Ask questions and solve problems - Innovate and create - Collaborate and communicate
For more information about technology that is offered at Oak Park Primary School please click on the following link: 1:1 BYO iPad Program @ OPPS