Address: Willett Avenue, Oak Park VIC 3046
T:(03) 9306 9182 E: [email protected] |
Issue 6
March 12th 2020 |
Oak Park Primary School will work collaboratively to provide a stimulating, safe and challenging learning environment that promotes resilient, innovative thinkers.
Calendar of Events
Principal's Column
There are important transitions that all students need to go through. Most of us are very aware of many of these but there are others less well known. The obvious transitions from Kindergarten to Foundation and from Grade 6 to Year 7 are significant milestones where schools work hard to ensure as smooth a progression as possible. But what about some of the others? Teachers recognise that the change from Grade 2 to Grade 3 ie Junior School to Middle School is often a very big step for some children. Many schools see the change from Early Years (Foundation to Grade 4) to the Middle Years (Grade 5 to Year 8) as enormously challenging not only for students, but also for teachers and parents. The Middle Years is always a focus for us. We are keen to ensure we build on the successful practices of the Early Years and have our senior students develop academically and socially. Other important transitions can include a change to a new school, which can be quite daunting, and even the change to a new teacher. How do we help children with their transitions? The first step I think, is to recognise that there can be challenges at these times. Parents can assist by talking to their children about their own experiences of transition, not simply dismissing concerns, and helping them to see that they do have the skills to deal with different situations. Communication is always important. Teachers have a key role; their sensitivity and acceptance of all children can have a huge influence on the success or otherwise of any transition. If your child ever has any difficulty at school I would encourage you to speak with his/her teacher or our Primary Well Being Coordinator, Maria Giordano. School Fees, Extras and Contributions 2020
Thanks to all our parents who’ve paid their fees for 2020. Thanks to all our parents who have paid their fees for 2020. We still have some family invoices outstanding, if you require a payment plan please contact Annette in the Office We would appreciate these fees being paid as soon as possible as they support the school in providing resources for the students. Please click here for information and for payment details. The Oak Park Primary School Parent Payment Policy is located on our website if you wish to review. Annette D'Elia Business Manager Easter Raffle
The eldest students in each family were sent home with Raffle Tickets yesterday. The tickets are $2 each or 3 For $5 1st Prize - $100 Coles Myer Voucher and an Easter Egg 2nd Prize - $75 Coles Myer Voucher and an Easter Egg 3rd Prize - $50 Coles Myer Voucher and an Easter Egg All tickets and money need to be returned to the school by Friday, 20th March 2020 Raffle will be drawn at end of term assembly on Friday, 27th March 2020 at 1.30 pm Additional tickets available at the office. We are very fortunate to have a full size oval at Oak Park Primary and the funds raised will be put towards the oval's maintenance. Thank you for your support. PFA PFA meeting
The next PFA meeting will be held on Tuesday 17 March at 7.30pm in the staff room. All are welcome to come along! 2021 Enrolments
Enrolments for 2021 are now open. If you have a younger child due to start school at Oak Park Primary School next year, you are welcome to complete an enrolment as soon as possible. Please email Fran on [email protected] and I am happy to forward one for your completion. We do end up with quite a few new families on our waitlist, so would appreciate sibling enrolments to be in as early as you can Our school tours and transition events will start around May 2020, and continue throughout the year. School Banking
Our students are able to start banking with the Bendigo Bank Strathmore. It’s a great opportunity for the students to start learning about saving money. Banking is collected on a Tuesday . Please pop into the Strathmore branch of the Bendigo Bank to collect a form. School Crossing Safety
Unfortunately there are still ‘accidents waiting to happen’ at our school crossing, particularly the one in Summit Avenue. The majority of drivers are still turning right out of the drive through. This is illegal and dangerous. Please follow the signs and help us make it safe for your children Matthew Baker
Many thanks to one of Oak Park’s wonderful parents – Matthew Baker. Matthew gave up a huge amount of his own time to repaint the lines in the drop off area and in the staff car park. Matthew has done a fantastic job and we are very grateful for his kindness! Thanks again Matthew! Japanese News
Farewell Madoka! I would like to take this opportunity to thank Madoka for all her assistance while she has been here at Oak Park Primary School in the last 4 weeks. We hope you have enjoyed your stay and learned a lot while you have been here in Australia. I know that the students have enjoyed having you around to talk to and ask questions related to Japanese. We will miss you and wish you all the very best for your future. 2020 JLTAV Events Poster Competition - Due next Friday!!
Students studying Japanese in primary and secondary schools are invited to design a poster to be used on the front cover of the 2020 JLTAV Annual Conference book for conference delegates and the front cover of the 2020 Year 12 Morning book. Students are encouraged to be creative and to design a cover which reflects the Japanese language or Japanese culture. This is broad to enable students to be creative. For example students might like to design a cover in manga style. Students are able to submit a digital or hand drawn cover design. Please note that students are not able to use images that are already copyright (e.g. Hello Kitty etc.). No words are required on the poster. Audience: Teachers attending the 2020 JLTAV Conference and students/teachers attending the 2020 Year 12 Morning Size: A4 size (portrait size only) Rules:
For more information please feel free to come and see me. Melissa Ly Japanese Language Teacher Year 6-7 Transition
Information regarding Secondary Colleges Open Nights and Information Evenings will be posted in our newsletter as the information comes to us. The Transition from Year 6-7 process starts approximately April. All information and Application forms will be sent home then, and the process usually takes 4 months, with parents being advised of confirmed schools in August. Crazy Hair Day
The Fundraising team are excited to announce CRAZY HAIR DAY on Thursday 19th March. For a gold coin donation, you can come to school with wild and crazy hair for the day. Birds Nest? Mohawk? 101 pony tails? Bring it on! For some extra fun, see the Fundraising team at lunchtime and get some coloured hairspray for 50c per squirt. All money raised will go towards the Grade 6 Graduation.
We look forward to the craziness! From Ella, Bridget and Alex |
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