Address: Willett Avenue, Oak Park VIC 3046
T:(03) 9306 9182 E: [email protected] |
Issue 30
October 9th 2019 |
Oak Park Primary School will work collaboratively to provide a stimulating, safe and challenging learning environment that promotes resilient, innovative thinkers.
Principal's Column
Last week I participated in a tour to Vietnam with a group of principals. It was organised by a group who support remote and rural communities in several countries and was an amazing experience. We were centred in Hanoi where we met with an organisation called Blue Dragon. Blue Dragon was established about 17 years ago by an Australian teacher who was visiting Hanoi and noted the large number of street kids. Rather than giving them money when they begged, he bought them a coffee and talked with them, gaining an understanding of their lives and the challenges they faced each day. He eventually set up a place for them to meet, where they could be fed, where they could learn skills and play games together. Blue Dragon has assisted hundreds of kids in getting off the streets and has done great work in curtailing child trafficking which was a huge problem in the area. Blue Dragon are also actively involved in child rescues. They work police to help children get out of a situation where they have been stolen or sold as slaves. We also travelled up into the hills to a place called Mai Chau where we saw some of the projects that Australian students were a part of. Groups of Aussie kids are doing great work in some very disadvantaged communities. We saw one example of what is being done in one of the villages, where kids helped to build a kitchen for one family. This was huge for the community and something they were extremely grateful for. The projects we saw were not about making us ‘westerners’ feel good about the charity work we do, more about providing something really useful for a family or community. Things like the building of kitchens and toilets – where sanitation is a huge issue – can radically improve the lives of people. It was also quite amazing to see young children, who had so little, being so happy. The overriding feeling during the trip was how lucky we are in Australia. We all have our own issues to deal with but I personally am so grateful for the many privileges I have in my own life and feel there is a lot more that I could be doing for those in need. Riding to Fight Kids’ Cancer Speaking of kids doing great work for others… Two of our students, Sharkya and Shardya are taking part in the Great Cycle Challenge to fight kids cancer. The boys are riding and raising funds to support the Children’s Medical Research Institute to continue their work into the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and finding a cure for cancer. Thanks to their family, friends and community they have already raised $466.96! Their goal is $500 by end of the Month and they are both very proud to support such a great cause. If you’d like to know more, please go to: |
2020 Classes – Parent Input
Often during this time of year the school begins to get questions about how class lists for the next school year are developed. Basically, we begin working on this early in Term 4. The following criteria are considered as the staff creates a recommendation to the principal for class composition that includes:
Please note that parent requests are considered when the request is based on the learning style of the student or other known factors that may have a positive or negative influence on the child. We do not place children based on simple choice. As noted above many factors are taken into consideration. Here are the steps to the process:
Walk to School Month
Every October, Walk to School encourages Victorian primary school kids to walk, ride or scoot to and from school. It’s a great way to help students learn healthy habits and achieve the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity, every day. It also encourages primary schools, local councils and communities to make active travel easy, safe and accessible. Along with the health benefits, walking to school has benefits for the whole community. It reduces traffic congestion, saves on parking, helps us connect with family and friends and even saves the environment! There are so many great reasons to participate in Walk to School this October. Oak Park Primary School is supporting this initiative. Please encourage your children to walk, ride or scoot to and from school this month! An easy way to get involved in Walk to School month is to join Oak Park’s Walking School Bus on a Tuesday or Thursday morning. Please contact Stacey Lowry if you are interested in joining. For more information on the Walk to School initiative please visit: Lost Property
Parents, we still have an unbelievable amount of uniforms in our lost property area. There are also many drink bottles, lunch boxes etc. If your child has lost an item of uniform, please come and check if it’s in lost property. Japanese News
As the Japanese captains for 2019 one of our goals was to get people more involved and excited about learning Japanese. We decided to form some clubs together during lunchtime to get people involved through the learning of origami – the art of paper folding. We had had different sessions depending on the age group – Foundation to Grade 2 and then Grade 3 to Grade 6s as some of the items we made were challenging. We found it challenging to decide on the types of origami at first, but in the end we found it to be an enjoyable experience. We learned how much effort our teachers go to create our lessons! We wanted to thank everyone who participated in origami club this year and hope you learned something from it. Alana Roolker and Artemis Rezaei Mirghaed Japanese Captains 2019 Student Wellbeing - CASEA Program Update Week 1
This week sees the beginning of the CASEA Program for a selected group of children in Grades Prep to Three. The eight week program, run by staff from The Royal Children’s Hospital in conjunction with Maria Giordano, Sally Morath and student teacher Alice Nelms. This program aims to help these children learn important skills for managing their emotions and behaviour. During Week One the group focuses on “Getting to Know Others”, creating rules and appropriate consequences, and helping understand their strengths and differences. All children in Grades Prep to Three will participate in classroom activities where they “get to know” others and develop an understanding of each others strengths. Congratulations to those children selected to participate in the group this term!! Next week: Feelings Fete Discussion Meeting
30th October at 7pm. The purpose of this meeting is to simply talk about how people feel about a fete for 2020, how many volunteers we may have and how keen people are to go ahead. If not enough volunteers we will discuss what would people be prepared to do in place of a fete all ideas will be welcome. So please considering attending, even if you do not want to assist with a Fete, bring along your ideas for a new plan. |
Music Lessons
Re Music/Guitar lessons: Due to a death in the family, our Music program will not commence this term until Monday 21st October. Families will be advised by Michael or Amy, that invoices will either be credited or there will be an option of having make up lessons made available. Comedy Night
Oak Park Primary's Annual Comedy Night is fast approaching! Saturday 19th October 2019, we will have Adam Rozenbachs, and Johnny Kats performing for you in the multi purpose room. The night will be MC'd by Russ Wigginton! 7pm for a 7.30pm start. Tickets are on sale now at the office for just $25 - get a table of friends together, or meet new parents and friends there. Tickets will be $30 on the night so get in early and save yourself some money. BYO drinks and nibbles. This is always a great social night, full of laughs - so don't miss out! COMMUNITY NEWS
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