Address: Willett Avenue, Oak Park VIC 3046
T:(03) 9306 9182 E: [email protected] |
Issue 34
November 9th 2023 |
Oak Park Primary School will work collaboratively to provide a stimulating, safe and challenging learning environment that promotes resilient, innovative thinkers.
Calendar of Events
School Fang Run PFA News Update
What a great day we all had at the Fang Run! Congratulations to all our students, parents and teachers who got out there and made the day such a blast. The PFA would like to say a huge thank you to the school community for helping to make this fundraiser a success – to all the families who sourced donations, to the parents who came to cheer the students on and especially to the teachers, who wholeheartedly supported the event, both on the day and in the weeks leading up to it. A big thank you also to the parent volunteers, who water blasted and colour bombed their way through the day (and maybe had just as much fun as the kids!). Without all of this support, events like these would not be possible. Thank you again for your support, The PFA |
Thanks from the Fernando Family
Just want to let you know boys completed their Great Cycle Challenge on Tuesday. And we would like to thanks all supported and those who donated. Would’ve not possible with out them. Kind regards,
Michael Gill Principal Assembly Timetable - Term 4
Student Wellbeing
Term 4 Clubs Timetable This term, we are excited for the return of Oak Park’s Got Talent!!! Every Thursday lunch time, year levels will be provided with the opportunity to share their talent and compete for a chance to perform at Friday’s assembly. We look forward to seeing what the students present! Wellbeing
Fostering Wellbeing Through Teamwork This week Grade 5/6 students took part in an incursion exploring coding through digital technologies. Students had to work in teams effectively to bring their creations to life. Through this incursion, students learn how teamwork contributes to overall wellbeing:
Unexplained Absences
We ask parents to please notify via Compass when your child is absent. There are still a huge number of unexplained absences on the system, please ensure your child ‘unexplained absences’ are corrected in Compass. Please don’t hesitate to contact the office if you have difficulties accessing Compass Lost Property
Helena 5/6S has misplaced her iPad last Thursday in the Multi Purpose Room. The cover is green and her name is on the inside of the cover. If anyone has seen this or it has accidently been picked up and taken home by another student, please drop it into the office. Thank you 2024 Grade 6 Uniforms
A FRIENDLY REMINDER FOR GRADE 6 HOODIES AND POLO TOPS ORDERS FOR 2024 All orders and payments must be received by FRIDAY 10th of NOVEMBER NO LATE ORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER 3PM ON THE ABOVE DATE. This timeline has been set by the manufacturers to enable our students to receive their orders within the first couple of weeks in term 1 of 2024. Each student will have their name embroidered on the hoodie. No nicknames please. Kids Art Works
It is that time of year again to order some fabulous products featuring your child's artwork. This year the entire ordering process will be online, making it super easy. You can jump online to order from now until November 13, just follow this simple process: 1. Go to 2. Use the Entrance Code: KA10070 3. Enter your child's room & name when prompted (see list below for your child's room number; please note this will likely be different to their usual room number). Room 1 - FD Room 2: - FH Room 3 - FM Room 4 - 1T Room 5 - 1G Room 6 - 1H Room 7 - 2A Room 8 - 2D Room 9 - 2F Room 10 - 3/4C Room 11 - 3/4J Room 12 - 3/4K Room 13 - 3/4M Room 14 - 5/6C Room 15 - 5/6J Room 16 - 5/6M Room 17 - 5/6 S Fliers were sent home this week Your child’s name will only appear if they completed an Artwork. Reach out at [email protected] for any queries. Happy Ordering! Thank you, The PFA Specialist
Japanese This Semester in Japanese we have been learning to recognize and write some common Kanji characters. The students have spent time practicing reading and writing Kanji numbers 1 to 10 and are doing a great job both recognizing and writing the characters. This week in our Japanese language sessions students have been introduced to the Kanji for tree, river and mountain. As part of our practice, we have been focusing on stroke order for each character and it has been wonderful to see students working hard and trying their best. To help everyone remember the meaning of each character students have been turning the characters into pictures that show their meaning. As you can see from the examples below the posters are looking fantastic and students have created amazing pictures to convey the Kanji meaning! Performing Arts
Grade 1 and 2 classes are enjoying their new dance warm ups to “I like to Move It” and also mastering the “Nutbush”. Almost of the students have that dance sequence memorized now, perhaps have a dance of it at home this weekend! Our class focus at the moment is creating a dance story including many of the native Australian animals we have been mimicking. Inspired by Indigenous movements, we have been looking closely at how kangaroos forage for food, how emus walk with heads held high and how wombats dig with their powerful claws. Ask your child about the story we are creating in their class. We will create these stories as a grade and then create a dance which will tell the story. We will film this class performance for the students to include in their Seesaw portfolios. Well done this week Grade 1 and 2 students! |
Visual Arts
Winners for the Grade 1 and 2 AFL footy jumper design with an artist inspiration competition were announced at last week’s junior assembly. There were a lot of entries which made the job of judging the winning designs a tough challenge for myself (David the Visual Arts Teacher) and the two Visual Arts Captains Bella 5/6C and Diya 5/6M. The criteria for judging the competition entries was to satisfy three main components. Firstly, that the design reflected the intended artist’s style. Secondly, the design used colour that identified the intended AFL team. Lastly, the amount of detail in the design and the way colour was added. Prizes were awarded to the winners at the Junior Assembly last week. Runner up students were also announced and acknowledges for their efforts. At this week’s Senior Assembly, winners will be announced for Grades 3, 4, 5 and 6. Prizes will be presented by Bella and Diya and I will acknowledge the winners in next week’s newsletter. Below are the runner up and winning entries for Grade 1 and 2. Physical Education
This week in PE we are finalising our assessment pieces for our “Net and Wall Games” unit in Grades 3-6. Students are showing of the main skills we have focused on this term including forehand striking, 3-step jumps, dig/set and spike technique. Students in F-2 will also have similar portfolio pieces to follow in the next couple of weeks. In other news, selected students in Grades 5-6 will compete in a friendly cricket gala day at JP Fawkner on Friday 10th. We will have some pictures for you to see in next week’s newsletter. Interschool Chess Tournament
Please see attached notice for the Interschool Chess Tournament on Wednesday 22nd November to be held. School Contacts