Address: Willett Avenue, Oak Park VIC 3046
T:(03) 9306 9182 E: [email protected] |
Issue 30
October 7th 2021 |
Oak Park Primary School will work collaboratively to provide a stimulating, safe and challenging learning environment that promotes resilient, innovative thinkers.
Calendar of Events
Principal's Column
Welcome Back I would like to take this opportunity to warmly welcome back all students, staff and parents for the start of Term 4. I sincerely hope all families have had some time over the break to refresh, in preparation for what is sure to be an ‘interesting’ and challenging term ahead. All families will now be familiar with the government’s ‘roadmap’ out of lockdown, which is going to have major implications for how the school progresses through each week of this term. This week and next week remain relatively straightforward with all students working remotely, excluding the students on-site each day who have been deemed vulnerable or have parents and carers as authorised workers. In next week’s newsletter, we will provide detailed information in regards to the return to school plan below. Specifically focusing on the logistics for pick up and drop off, and additional safety measures to keep cohorts separate during lunch and recess times. Return dates for different student cohorts below: In preparing for the return to school, we encourage all families to begin establishing routines that will support a smooth transition for all students. Morning and evening routines that ensure regular sleep patterns, will be a crucial component of each student’s plan. Further to this, if your child is not familiar with wearing a face mask for extended periods of time, we encourage all families to begin practising this over the next fortnight. Whilst the wearing of a face mask is not mandatory for students under the age of 12, it has been highly recommended by the Department of Education & Training for primary age students.
Further to the wearing of face masks, when students return to their classrooms, windows and doorways will remain open (pending weather conditions) to maximise ventilation in each learning space. As an added measure, air purifiers will be distributed to all government schools over the coming weeks. Initially these purifiers will target higher risk areas, where there are increased levels of students & staff mixing, such as specialist classrooms, reception, and gym. Beyond these high traffic areas, the air purifiers will then be placed in general classrooms as they become available. Where appropriate and depending on the weather, students may also work outdoors for longer periods during the school day. During the holidays, the school has applied for shade sail grants in order to create more comfortable and SunSmart outdoor learning spaces. When all students return to face-to-face learning, we will also need to consider staggered start and finishing times, altered recess and lunchtime breaks, as well as measures that limit the mixing of students and support appropriate social distancing. Please be assured that the school is working very hard to ensure a safe and carefully considered return to school. We’ll provide more details about these measures over the coming weeks. Kind regards, Michael Gill Principal |
2022 Enrolments
If you are wanting to enrol your child, or know of someone who is hoping to enrol their child at Oak Park Primary School in 2022, please call or email the school as soon as possible. Our Foundation teachers are in the process of organising the transition process.
Click on the link below to go to our website and view the Foundation 2022 transition Information session Grade 6 2022 Windcheaters
Thursday 4th November: All Grade 5 students will be sized for their 2022 Grade 6 Windcheaters and polo tops at school. An order form will be sent home on this day with sizes and payment details. Orders and payment details are to be returned to school by Thursday 11th November NO LATE ORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED Grade 5/6 Sports Photo Day Cancellation
We have received notification from MSP that unfortunately the Grade 5/6 Sports photos will be unable to go ahead for 2021, as they will not be a permitted visitor to schools. This is not the preferred way MSP or our school were hoping to proceed but unfortunately it is out of our control. Should restrictions and the School Operating Guide change early November, MSP will be in contact. Grade 3/4 - Camp Cancellation
Dear 3/4 Families, As you have probably been expecting, due to current lockdown restrictions and advice from the Department of Education, our Term 4 Camp to Waratah Bay will not be going ahead. For families who have paid via Compass, please email your Bank Account details & child’s name to [email protected] to receive your refund. We look forward to seeing you all back at school very soon for what is still to be a very exciting Term 4! Kind Regards, The 3/4 Team SPECIALIST NEWS
Sustainability 5/6 STACS/Sustainability work to view After our unit last term on Endangered Animals, I wanted to celebrate some of the great work that was completed by students, either on bringing attention to the Tasmanian devil (our student-elected focus animal) or international animals that are in danger of becoming extinct. Please check out the page attached to your child's class to see if their work is there (some I was unable to upload due to file type issues etc. so apologies if your child's completed work is not available online). You are invited to leave a "like" for those that impress you and of course encouraged to read and find out more about the Tasmanian devil and its plight, as well as the range of animals around the world that are facing the possibility of extinction. I think you will agree that the work samples up here are pretty impressive and showcase the effort students have made to complete their tasks to a high standard. Grades had different foci for their work, some being about raising awareness, some being about changing attitudes to the animal, some about changing behaviours etc. Other students engaged in planning a fundraising event (which unfortunately has not been able to take place yet due to remote learning - you will hear more about this once we return to school. This is a safe space where no communication is able to occur and no student is identified by anything other than their first name. Tasmanian devil: International endangered animals: Visual Art
Indigenous Bottle Top Mural Hello OPPS community! As you may or may not be aware, David (Visual Arts Teacher) and John (Sustainability STACS Teacher) have been working on an Indigenous Bottle Top Mural along with the assistance of some very dedicated students. We are looking forward to completing this when we return to school this term and would like to have it installed before the end of the year if possible. In order for us to be able to complete the mural, we require orange bottle tops. We are asking for families to please assist us by collecting orange bottle tops that would normally be discarded, and send them to school with your child(ren) when they return in a few weeks time. They can be given to either David or John. Thanks in advance! 6H/L Art Challenge
Last Term, Stephanie did an Art Challenge with grade 6H/L. Amelia submitted a beautiful drawing and was the winner of the Challenge. Well done Amelia Community News
Vic Cric Soccer
Projected date of commencement for soccer is 30th October, as soon as the prescribed rates of vaccination have been reached. Sussex Neighbourhood House
Planning Term 4 activities has been challenging for us and for Neighbourhood Houses generally. At this stage, we are not certain when on-site activities can resume, hence we have a simplified online program. We are sorry some popular programs are not suitable to be run online. Hopefully, there is something for everyone to keep you busy, healthy, and connected. We look forward with anticipation to reopening once we reach the vaccinations targets. We will let you know when we know. In the meantime, please find the Term 4 online Guide here Our staff are working from home and can be reached on 9354 2210 during our usual business hours. If you have any questions or need any assistance, please reach out. Tennis Hot Shots
Uniting Church Kindergarten Pascoe Vale
School Contacts