Address: Willett Avenue, Oak Park VIC 3046
T:(03) 9306 9182 E: [email protected] |
Issue 29
October 5th 2023 |
Oak Park Primary School will work collaboratively to provide a stimulating, safe and challenging learning environment that promotes resilient, innovative thinkers.
Calendar of Events
Principal's Column
School Toilet Project – Underway! This ongoing project from the Student Representative Council (SRC) is well underway, the toilets have been freshly painted with colours selected by the SRC. Our future upgrades include new taps, seats and inspirational quotes for all the cubicle doors. We’re also promoting responsibility with daily checks on the toilets and rewards for respect and care of these facilities. Thanks to the SRC and Trevor for his painting efforts over the holiday break. Team Kids Information Webinar - 2024
As announced in our previous newsletter, the school’s Before and After School care service will be transitioning to Team Kids from the beginning of 2024, due to the ongoing staffing difficulty within our current service and increased demand from the community for curriculum day support and after school care placements. As part of this transition, Team Kids is operating an online information session for any interested parent, details below. Team Kids will also be attending upcoming events including our Fang Run and the Prep Transition Program. TeamKids Parent OSHC Information Session You are invited to a TeamKids OSHC information webinar. Please join us to hear all about the OSHC service that we will be providing for your children and the community at Oak Park Primary School next year. During the information session there will also be the opportunity to have all of your questions answered. Thank you. TeamKids Session Details: When: Wednesday, October 11th, Time: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM (AEST) Format: Webinar via Microsoft Teams meeting: Click here to join the meeting Cycling Fundraiser – Go Shardy! One of our wonderful Year 5 students is participating in the Great Cycle Challenge for the fifth year in a row. A message below from Shardy and brother Sharky about their participation supporting a very worthy cause. If you’re interested in donating please use the link below. This October, Fernando Brothers is taking part in the Great Cycle Challenge to fight kids' cancer! Because right now, cancer is the largest single killer of children from disease in Australia – over 600 children are diagnosed with cancer every year and sadly, 3 die every week. Kids should be living life, not fighting for it. And so, we are riding and raising funds to support the Children's Medical Research Institute to continue their work into the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and finding a cure for childhood cancer. Please support our challenge by making a donation through our fundraising page to give these kids the brighter futures they deserve. Together, we can save little lives. Thanks for your support. Sharkya and Shardy Kind regards,
Michael Gill Principal Assembly Timetable - Term 4
Student Wellbeing
Term 4 Clubs Timetable This term, we are excited for the return of Oak Park’s Got Talent!!! Every Thursday lunch time, year levels will be provided with the opportunity to share their talent and compete for a chance to perform at Friday’s assembly. We look forward to seeing what the students present! 2024 Enrolments
If you have a child who is due to start school in 2024, please contact the office so you may complete an enrolment form as soon as possible. Our Transition program is starting this month and teachers are already working on the 2024 foundation classes. We appreciate your earliest confirmation of enrolment. Please email [email protected] Wellbeing
On Saturday 30th September I was lucky enough to dance when KISS was singing at the AFL Grand Final. I had to dress up as Cat-Man the drummer (Eric Singer) and had my face painted just like him! It was so exciting. There was over 100,000 people there watching us I got to dance in front of all those people with 33 of my dance friends. All my family and friends at home saw me on tv. By Isabella 2F We went to Cuboree last week. Cuboree is a Scout camp where we had an amazing 5 days with another 3500 Cub Scouts from the Victoria. Mud race, water slides, visit to the Healesville sanctuary , sleeping in tents, seeing the wildlife ( koala and kangaroos ), going on bush walks and many more activities and fun nights with friends made this camp so fantastic. We are ready for the next adventure. Maya and Lily 5/6M We went on a road trip to Uluru via the flinders ranges, Oodnadatta track, king's canyon and stayed in the underground hotel at Cooper Pedy
Harper 5/6M 2024 Grade 6 Uniforms
Grade 6 POLO TOPS AND HOODED WINDCHEATERS A representative from A PLUS SCHOOLWEAR will be attending Oak Park Primary School on the 23rd of October to assist with the measuring of polo tops and hooded windcheaters for the 2024 year 6 students. Each student will receive an order form with the sizing details noted on it, along with a payment envelope. No COMPASS payment for this event. Please note the return date for orders, as LATE ORDERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. We have been advised that orders will be provided the 1st week of term 1 2024. Grade 5/6 teachers School Fang Run
Welcome back to Term 4! Have you set up your Student Profile Page yet for the School Fang Run? This week's Milestone Competition promises heaps of fun on Event Day: for every $5000 raised by this Friday 6 October, a teacher will get colour bombed on the day!! Our current fundraising tally is $10,597 -- that's two teachers already who will be colour bombed on Thursday 2 November!! Can we make raise another $5000 by this Friday, and make it three teachers? Or even four?!? It's quick and easy to set up your Student Profile Page: just go to Then you’ll be able to access online fundraising (and you might win a $20,000 Ultimate Family Package). Students who raise $10 or more will receive a reward, and the more money you raise the better the reward and the more you help the school! If you have any questions about the Fang Run please contact the School Fun Run Office on 1800 FUN RUN. Thanks for supporting the school and we hope to see you at the event! Thanks, The PFA Codecamp
Codecamp will be operating on a Thursday after school in the Library from this term. Book at Please find the booking link HERE Get in touch at [email protected] or 1300263322 Kids Art Works
Artworks need to be finished at home and must be returned to David Flint (Art Teacher) in the Art Room by Thursday 12 October (Week 2, Term 4). Information regarding how to order will be sent out in the Week 1, Term 4. If you have any enquiries in the meantime, please feel free to email us at this address: [email protected] Specialist
Japanese Welcome back for Term 4, we are looking forward to learning lots of new language in Japanese this term. We have started the term learning how to say, read and write fruits in Japanese. Students have been doing an amazing job remembering the names of fruits and are practicing writing them in Hiragana and Katakana. Students are also learning how to tell someone fruits they like in Japanese, they have been practicing by sharing fruits they like with each other in Japanese. Here are some examples of the wonderful work students have been doing this week. Science
This week in the Science room our Senior Scientists have begun their adventures into the wild world of Chemistry! We have begun with looking at the three most common states of matter – solids, liquids and gases. Students explored the properties of these different states of matter, learning about identifying, comparing and contrasting, and defining them. We then completed our first experiment for the term. The Exploding Bag! By combining a solid (baking soda) and liquids (vinegar and water) student were able to create a third state of matter – carbon dioxide - a gas! These exploding bags generated a lot of excitement and the opportunity for students to visualise how the states of matter can interact with one another and be created. Performing Arts
All year level will be involved in dance making this term. Foundation students will explore creative dance making and improvising to different genres of music. Junior students will be creating their own dance sequences in groups and ensuring the dance steps follow the beat and counts in the music. Senior students will be working in groups creating dances involving more complex dance sequences focussing on formations, canons and different levels and tempos. Also, this term we have our Family Carols Night which is always a highlights for our school community. Detail will be in our weekly school newsletters closer to the date. |
Visual Arts
Hi OPPS Families, Your child(ren) brought home some artwork last term, that they planned and made a start on in art classes. The artwork is being created for the annual PFA Kids Art Works fundraiser. Student artworks can be scanned and printed onto items such as calendars, diaries, greeting cards, mousepads and sketchbooks. *If students have lost their artwork template or a mishap has occurred, please see David Flint in the Art Room to get a new template or there are some that can be collected from the school office. Artworks need to be finished at home and must be returned to David Flint (Art Teacher) in the Art Room by Thursday October 12th (Week 2 Term 4). Order inquiries can be directed to the PFA at the email address below. [email protected] This is an annual fundraising initiative that has been quite successful in the past. A portion of the money generated by Kids Artworks orders will be reimbursed to the school, assisting with funding programs and initiatives for the 2024 school year. We highly value the continued support shown by the OPPS community for this fundraising initiative. Thank you! David Flint (Visual Arts Teacher) & OPPS PFA Community News
School Contacts