Address: Willett Avenue, Oak Park VIC 3046
T:(03) 9306 9182 E: [email protected] |
Issue 16
November 5th 2020 |
Oak Park Primary School will work collaboratively to provide a stimulating, safe and challenging learning environment that promotes resilient, innovative thinkers.
Calendar of Events
Principal's Column
Last Friday was World Teachers’ Day. World Teachers’ Day was started by UNESCO in 1994 and is celebrated by more than 100 countries around the world each year to recognise the role of teachers in our community. It commemorates the formal recommendation of UNESCO concerning the Status of Teachers. We all remember that great teacher we had who had a significant influence on us in one way or another. We probably remember some who were not so good as well. Teaching can be a thankless profession where much is taken for granted. Our teachers often go well above and beyond any job description that could be written – an example was what occurred during remote learning. I know many parents were extremely grateful and expressed their thanks for what teachers did during the lockdown. Teachers teach, counsel, encourage, referee, laugh, cry, despair, rejoice (and that’s just before lunch time) and put their hearts and souls into trying to make a difference for each child under their care. I know all of our teachers consider it to be a privileged position, where one can have a profound effect on the lives of young people, helping to shape who they will be. On behalf of our school community, thank you to every one of our wonderful teachers for all the work you do. It is demanding, never easy and exacts a physical and mental toll. We are especially fortunate at Oak Park to have such a terrific group of teachers committed to our school and community. We don’t always see eye to eye with each other and that’s ok, but I have no doubt that the hearts of all of them are in the right place and they constantly strive to do their best for the kids. And that’s all you can ask of anyone. Wellbeing
Dear Parents and Families, I’m very pleased to advise you about the School Breakfast Club program coming to our school soon! Starting approximately 23rd November, our new School Breakfast Club will run every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday morning from 8.30am to 8.50am. We surveyed a cohort of our Foundation-Year 6 students and 90% of our students said they ate breakfast at home, but would gladly have breakfast at school. The Victorian Government has continued its partnership with Foodbank Victoria to provide healthy meals that will help students focus better and participate fully in their education. Our School Breakfast Club aims to ensure our students start the day with a healthy meal, to improve their concentration, to help students make friends and to build strong social connections. To start up and run a successful Breakfast Club, we are inviting our wellbeing leaders to assist with the running of the program. We will trial the program this term, and then reassess for 2021 how many days breakfast will be offered and what modifications to the menu need to be made. Please note, the breakfast club is not replacing the before care program. It is there to provide breakfast for children unable to have it at home. More information will be provided once we have our food delivered to Oak Park Primary School. Most of our food items have a green health rating, are halal certified and are also vegetarian. Maria Giordano Assistant Principal Lost Property – Bomber Jackets valued at $1,540
After contacting the students who have their bomber jackets labelled, we still have a large amount of lost property. If there’s jackets and other miscellaneous clothing missing from your cupboard at home, please ask your child to check in the large white cupboard on wheels that sits outside the tiger turf entrance to the staff room and main office. Foundation 2021 Transition sessions
Parents have been advised via email, the group sessions their child will attend. Should there be any issues or you know of families who have not received this information, please email [email protected] Please click here to view the 'Parent Information Session Questions' Please click here to view the 'Friend Preference Sheet 2021 Form' Sustainability – Term 4
As you would know, we have broadened the Sustainability experience to include many more elements this year including Science (a big part of Sustainability anyway!), Technology and Indigenous Culture. Here is a brief rundown of what students will be experiencing in Term 4, 2020. FOUNDATION
Students are looking at classifying materials and items. They will look at the features of these and determine how their differences and similarities allow them to be organised into groups. This will lead into an investigation of how scientists classify animals and we will look at classifying vertebrates and invertebrates, and then the five main classes of vertebrates (reptiles, birds, fish, mammals and amphibians). 1/2
The 1/2's will be heavily involved in organising our vegetable gardens and preparing them for plantings. Later, they will investigate Edison robots and how these can be programmed using bar codes and possibly simple coding apps. 3/4
The 3/4’s are focusing on re-using. We will look at what this means, and why it sits in between ‘Reduce’ and ‘Recycle’ in the waste hierarchy. Students will use common household packaging products such as milk cartons and cardboard tubes to make useful products and see the value of making the most of resources used to construct these products, as well as reducing our landfill. 5/6
The 5/6’s are also using the Edison robots, beginning with learning their features and using bar codes for simple movements, then moving on to coding apps to program the robots for more complex instructions. We will also observe National Recycling Week and National Water Week during Term 4, so there is plenty of interesting learning to be had!
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