Address: Willett Avenue, Oak Park VIC 3046
T:(03) 9306 9182 E: [email protected] |
Issue 33
November 4th 2021 |
Oak Park Primary School will work collaboratively to provide a stimulating, safe and challenging learning environment that promotes resilient, innovative thinkers.
Calendar of Events
Principal's Column
We’re back! It has been wonderful to welcome back all our students this week after the extended weekend and curriculum day. I’m pleased to report that this return has been very smooth indeed even with some inclement weather on Wednesday. To continue to stagger traffic onto the school site please use the following information to support: If your surname (Family name) begins with A-M please arrive around 8:45 and pick up at 3:20 If your surname (Family name) begins with N-Z please arrive around 8:55 and pick up at 3:30. Please try to keep your time on-site as brief as possible and don’t enter school buildings unless entirely necessary. Our recess and lunchtimes are being supported by additional teachers on yard duty to ensure that students play in designated areas. Further bollards and rope have been placed in the yard to remind students of boundaries. Clothes Dumping Problem
Recently we’ve had multiple instances of dumped clothing and large toys at the donation bins located near the gym on Summit Ave. We’ve reported this to the company managing the bins, but sadly community members continue to dump items in front of the bins. Clothing and small electronics can be donated, but not toys of any kind. These donation bins do help keep clothes out of landfill, but if this behaviour continues unfortunately, we’ll have to discontinue this service. Class Placements for 2022
As we begin to draft our new classes for 2022, there are several factors that will be carefully considered. In each new class, teachers will aim to ensure that there is a balance of academic capabilities, social competencies, behavioural traits & special needs, so that the classes at each level have an almost identical profile. In addition to these factors, our teachers also take into account each child’s nominated peers to ensure that every child is matched to at least one friend that supports their learning (Please note that the peers/friends are not listed in any preferential order and it is explained to all students). As you can appreciate this is a very complex undertaking, especially considering our total school enrolment of 400 students. To this end, please be assured that all of these factors are carefully considered. Like you, we want to ensure that we establish the best learning opportunities for all of our students in 2022 (particularly in light of the disruptions over the last 24 months as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic). Given the rigour in this process, we ask that parents refrain from requesting friendship groupings and teacher preferences, unless there are extenuating circumstances that we may not be aware of which may potentially impact on a child’s placement. If you believe that extenuating circumstances exist in regards to your child’s placement in 2022, please provide these details via email at [email protected]. Kind regards, Michael Gill Principal 2022 Students
A reminder for families, if you are enrolling your child at Oak Park Primary School next year, please contact Fran in the Office as soon as possible to complete an enrolment form. Please either call the office on 9306-9182 or email Fran: [email protected] We would also appreciate you advising the school if your child will no longer be attending our school next year (other than Grade 6’s) so we may plan accordingly Masks
We have a number of students who are not remembering to bring and wear a mask to school. It is mandatory that all children from Grade 3 – 6 must wear a mask at school. It’s a good idea if your child is wearing disposable masks that you pop a few extra into their bag, as quite a few are breaking during the day. Visitor & Volunteer Vaccination
Under the COVID-19 Mandatory vaccination directions issued by the Victorian Chief Health Officer (vaccination directions) schools must ensure that all visitors and volunteers who attend to perform work or assist in classrooms or spend any time face to face with children and/or staff, must comply with vaccination requirements. The same way we must sight and collect copies of Working with Children Checks for those who volunteer at school, we will now be required to sight and collect copies of proof of vaccination. Unvaccinated visitors and volunteers must not enter, or remain on, the school premises for the purpose of performing work (e.g. classroom helper) at the school unless they are an excepted person. Proof of vaccination may be a Covid-19 digital certificate, an immunisation history statement, or a letter from an authorised medical practitioner confirming the person is medically exempt. Only volunteers and visitors who have provided information that they are fully vaccinated or an excepted persons are allowed on site after 29th November 2021 |
Grade 6 2022 Windcheaters
All Grade 5 students were sized today for their 2022 Grade 6 Windcheaters and polo tops. An order form will be sent home today with sizes and payment details. Orders and payment details are to be returned to school by Thursday 11th November NO LATE ORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Library News
LIBRARY BOOKS Thank you to all students who have returned their Library books already. Library classes will commence next week, and students must have returned all overdue books to borrow. Library books can be returned to the library in the morning or handed to the class teacher. BOOK CLUB The last book club for the year has been distributed to students. PLEASE NOTE THIS IS THE LAST BOOK CLUB FOR THE YEAR...a good chance to stock up for Christmas presents and holiday reading. Unfortunately, only online orders can be accepted. Orders need to be placed online by 12th November. Thank you for your continued support of Book Club. Please see Michelle if you have any questions. SPECIALIST NEWS
Visual Art Visual Arts Remote Learning Week 4 Term 4 These are some of the wonderful artworks created by OPPS students in remote learning Visual Arts classes during Week 4 of Term 4. There were plenty of wonderful artworks submitted this week. Thanks to all of those students that participated in the online learning lessons for Art. Please stay safe and well and I look forward to seeing you all back in the Art Room next week!to seeing you all very soon. School Contacts