Address: Willett Avenue, Oak Park VIC 3046
T:(03) 9306 9182 E: [email protected] |
Issue 01
February 4th 2022 |
Oak Park Primary School will work collaboratively to provide a stimulating, safe and challenging learning environment that promotes resilient, innovative thinkers.
Principal's Column
Welcome back! Welcome back to the New School Year, we’ve had a really smooth start given the very complex operating guidelines. We have started the school year with 395 students being accommodated across 17 classrooms, with an average class of just over 23 students per class. It was certainly pleasing to be able to welcome students back to face-to-face learning on Monday and it was indeed impressive to see students embrace the return to school in such a positive manner in their classrooms. Our Foundation students have had their usual staggered start to the year and aside from a few tears, they’ve brilliant start. Thanks to the Parents and Friends Association for the ‘Tissues and Tea’ event, welcoming Foundation parents to our community. Thanks for your support with RATs Presently all classrooms are utilising air purifiers and promoting ventilation with open windows and doors to provide as much fresh air as possible into classrooms. Thanks to families for using the provided Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) to help screen for COVID-19 cases. The recommendation for the use of RATs is twice per week, with additional test packs being provided to families shortly to cover the first 4 weeks at school. Fortunately, we haven’t had any positive COVID-19 cases of students or staff on-site this year. We appreciate the support to help keep our community safe. Congratulations to Earth House on your win! On Friday, students in Earth house will celebrate winning our Positive Behaviours Token Challenge last term. Students will receive a Zooper Dooper or Sugar-Freezie at recess time as a reward for receiving the most tokens for demonstrating positive behaviours linked to our school values. This token system will re-commence next week to continue to endorse and acknowledge positive behaviours in classrooms every day. School Council Elections All government schools in Victoria have a School Council. They are legally constituted bodies that are given powers to set the key directions of a school within state-wide guidelines. In doing this, a School Council is able to directly influence the quality of education that the school provides for its students. Parents on School Councils provide important viewpoints and have valuable skills that can help shape the direction of the school. Each year, approximately half of the School Council retires to allow new members to become involved. Membership on the council is for a period of two years and regular meetings are held twice a term. If you would like to know more about being a councillor or nominate, don’t hesitate to give me a call or send an email at [email protected] . Our council current has the appropriate number of DET employees for 2022, but need some more parents to contribute toward this important process. We have three parent vacancies on School Council for a full period of two years. Nominations for School Council will close at 4pm on Thursday 10th February. If we receive more nominations than positions available, an election process will follow in the coming weeks. We will confirm the final membership of the 2022 School Council in the newsletter when the nomination/election process has been completed. Kind regards, Michael Gill Principal Working with Children Check
Any parent or family member who may wish to attend the school grounds as a parent helper in the future, must have a valid working with children check and be fully vaccinated. Parent helpers are not required at school until Term 2. Copies of WWC and digital Covid vaccination certificate may be emailed to [email protected] Visual Arts
Indigenous Bottle Top Mural Hello and welcome back OPPS community! As you may or may not be aware, we have been working on an Indigenous Bottle Top Mural along with the assistance of some very dedicated students. We are looking forward to completing this as soon as possible, but have hit a bit of a road block! In order for us to be able to complete the mural we require orange bottle tops. Please assist us by collecting any orange bottle tops that would normally be discarded in your recycling bin, and send them to school with your child to be given to David Flint in the Art room. We look forward to installing the mural on one of the school building walls as soon as it has been completed. Thanks in advance for your support. Physical Education
After our successful first year in 2021, I am hoping to once again fill some teams to compete in the School Sports Victoria Lawn Bowls Championship for 2022. It is a fantastic event run by a great bunch of dedicated and passionate staff from Bowls Victoria and I would love for our students to give this sport a go! Last year we were extremely close to qualifying for the state championships (a tremendous effort considering this was the first time any of our students have competed in lawn bowls). I am looking for any students who might be interested in representing OPPS at this event. I am hoping to fill 2 teams of 12 (total of 24). So, at this stage, it will be first in best dressed. If you are interested, please email me and I will add you to the list. [email protected] Deadline will be end of week 2. Liam Grade 6 Wincheaters
Unfortunately, the Grade 6 windcheater delivery is delayed due to circumstances beyond our control. There is a fabric supply issue, and they will not be delivered until the end of March. We thank you for your understanding. Grade 6 polo tops are due to be delivered today (Thursday 3rd February) Foundation Students
Foundation students start attending school full time (including Wednesdays) the week starting Monday 28th February. |
Well done to Lewis (3/4P) on being awarded your yellow judo belt, and passing your judo practical and knowledge test. This is no easy task and requires a great deal of practice. Lewis has been attending the Berard Judo Academy. Kelly Sports
Kelly Sports run their program from 3.30pm at Oak Park Primary School, so it’s perfect if you’d like your child to join in. Community News
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