Address: Willett Avenue, Oak Park VIC 3046
T:(03) 9306 9182 E: [email protected] |
Issue 33
November 2nd 2023 |
Oak Park Primary School will work collaboratively to provide a stimulating, safe and challenging learning environment that promotes resilient, innovative thinkers.
Calendar of Events
School Fang Run PFA News Update
Prize ordering opened Monday 30 October, and will close on Tuesday 7 November. During the prize order window, you can log in to order, update or edit your child’s prize order. If your child hasn’t hit their personal fundraising goal yet, that’s no problem! Students can keep fundraising until prize ordering closes. Thank you for your support. Congratulations to Evie 1G who raised the staggering amount of $1005. We will have more information and photos in next weeks newsletter. |
Assembly Timetable - Term 4
Student Wellbeing
Term 4 Clubs Timetable This term, we are excited for the return of Oak Park’s Got Talent!!! Every Thursday lunch time, year levels will be provided with the opportunity to share their talent and compete for a chance to perform at Friday’s assembly. We look forward to seeing what the students present! Zoe Update
Zoe has a great Term 4. Her first year at school has been all about learning to relax and be comfortable in the school environment. As you can see from the photos taken on Monday, she’s getting pretty good at it. Zoe has joined 2 more classrooms this term and is getting to know the students, teachers, and new environments. It takes time for her to be comfortable in a space, but the students have been amazing at helping her settle in. She had a super fun time at the Fang Run today with the grade 2 students and we will share some more photos next week.
Unexplained Absences
We ask parents to please notify via Compass when your child is absent. There are still a huge number of unexplained absences on the system, please ensure your child ‘unexplained absences’ are corrected in Compass Foundation Transition Hi 2024 Foundation families, We look forward to seeing you again this Friday the 3rd of November for our second Transition Session and Parent Information Session. Once you have signed in your child at one of our Foundation classrooms at 9.15am, we ask that you please head over to our Multipurpose room for our Information Session for a 9.20am start. Also, thank you to the families who have already completed their 2024 Friendship Form. If you have not yet completed yours, you can access the form via the link below: Tomorrow our 2024 Foundation students will be coming in for their 2nd transition session and the parents will be joining Lauren for their information session in the Multipurpose Room. One of our students starting in Foundation next year featured in the Herald Sun recently. Medina is one of many kindergarten students impacted by the lockdowns in 2020 and 2021 and her mum has made the decision to start her in the year she’s turning 6 (even though she would have been eligible to start this year). We look forward to seeing Medina thrive in the OPPS community! See article below. 2024 Grade 6 Uniforms
A FRIENDLY REMINDER FOR GRADE 6 HOODIES AND POLO TOPS ORDERS FOR 2024 All orders and payments must be received by FRIDAY 11th of NOVEMBER NO LATE ORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER 3PM ON THE ABOVE DATE. This timeline has been set by the manufacturers to enable our students to receive their orders within the first couple of weeks in term 1 of 2024. Each student will have their name embroidered on the hoodie. No nicknames please. Kids Art Works
It is that time of year again to order some fabulous products featuring your child's artwork. This year the entire ordering process will be online, making it super easy. You can jump online to order from now until November 13, just follow this simple process: 1. Go to 2. Use the Entrance Code: KA10070 3. Enter your child's room & name when prompted (see list below for your child's room number; please note this will likely be different to their usual room number). Room 1 - FD Room 2: - FH Room 3 - FM Room 4 - 1T Room 5 - 1G Room 6 - 1H Room 7 - 2A Room 8 - 2D Room 9 - 2F Room 10 - 3/4C Room 11 - 3/4J Room 12 - 3/4K Room 13 - 3/4M Room 14 - 5/6C Room 15 - 5/6J Room 16 - 5/6M Room 17 - 5/6 S Fliers were sent home this week Your child’s name will only appear if they completed an Artwork. Reach out at [email protected] for any queries. Happy Ordering! Thank you, The PFA Grade 2 Maths
In Grade 2 we are learning about capacity! We had a problem we needed to solve and worked together to find the best solution. The problem: Michael had 1 piece of A3 paper and 293 pieces of popcorn. He wanted to build a container that would hold all his popcorn. Draw and make the container. Here is how the Grade 2s worked together to solve the challenge! Grade 3/4 Camp
In week 4 the 34 cohort packed their bags and went to camp; and what an amazing time they had! For some of our students it was the first time that they had ever been away overnight without their families, so there was a mixture of excitement and nerves on our departure day. Once we arrived though, those nerves quickly disappeared! We got into the activities right away with students participating in a low rope course, Microscopic Mini Beasts, aero ball, the giant swing, map orienteering and various other group initiatives tasks. We also enjoyed a night walk, campfire with marshmallows and movie night. Most children have said their favourite meal was pancakes for breakfast, which were flung from the kitchen onto their plates. Camp is fun but it is also important to talk about the benefits. Our children have the chance to build on lasting friendships with their peers and create memories they wouldn’t get during their day to day. As they spend their time taking part in varying activities together, children can develop stronger social skills. This can lead to increased confidence and better relationships with their peers and their family members. They can push themselves in ways they wouldn’t normally, and might find that they have a skill they never knew they had. It is wonderful to see the children shine as they show off talents and do things they never thought they could. Sending a BIG thank you to all the staff who assisted in making the 3/4 camp at possible, and our AMAZING parent helpers!! Specialist
Japanese The Junior school students have done such an amazing job illustrating and creating their own “The very hungry caterpillar” books. Students have been matching their illustrations with the Japanese words they have been learning such as apple, banana, peach, orange, big, small and butterfly. I am so proud of the books they have created which students will be able to share with families when they bring them home next week. It would be wonderful for students to continue to practice these words by reading the book at home. Here are a few sneak peeks of some of the finished products! Science
This week in the Science room our Senior Scientists have been continuing their journey into Chemistry. We began with revising the difference between physical and chemical changes and then moved into understanding which changes are reversible and which are irreversible. “Substances can change in many ways. Some changes can be undone. In those cases, the material that was altered returns to its original state. This is called a reversible change. Other changes cannot be undone. The material is permanently altered. These are called irreversible changes.” Students were asked to consider several different changes and evaluate whether they were reversible or irreversible. In small groups they were able to confer and make assessments based on their learning. For all the parent scientists out there here is the activity. How would you go with making the distinction between reversible and irreversible change? Performing Arts
Oak Park’s Got Talent is back this term and the talent is stronger than ever. The Performing Arts Captains are doing a great job of leading the club (Melanie and Kate are there of course to support) and we have approx. 60-80 students in the audience each week. Students love showing their talents and performing in front of an audience in an informal setting is a great for performance confidence. Well done to all the Grade 3/4 students who performed this week. Next week’s focus is Hidden Talent, we all can’t wait to see all the talents in our school. |
Visual Arts
Students in Grade 1 and 2 have been learning about Brazilian born artist Romero Britto. Students have incorporated Britto’s mix of POP Art and Cubism styles to create a cat design, showing rich colour and bold linework. Patterns were also a focus for this series of lessons, and students used their own imaginations and creativity to add their unique touch to their Britto style cats. The students will continue their pursuit of learning about POP Art with a new focus on American artist Andy Warhol, where they will produce another piece of artwork based on the infamous Cambell’s Soup artwork by Warhol. Below is a selection of the Romero Britto style POP Art cats created by some of the students. Physical Education
Congratulations to Jesse and Ellie who represented Oak Park at the state championships this week at Lakeside stadium. Jesse came 9th in his 800m with a new PB of 2 min 27 seconds. The winner ran 2 mins 11 seconds. How fast is that!! Ellie came 10th and her PB currently sits at 1.40 metres! Both athletes have made us very proud! We look forward to seeing what the future holds for these two young guns. Liam Interschool Chess Tournament
Please see attached notice for the Interschool Chess Tournament on Wednesday 22nd November to be held. Community News
The Circus Spot School Contacts