Address: Willett Avenue, Oak Park VIC 3046
T:(03) 9306 9182 E: [email protected] |
Issue 15
May 27th 2021 |
Oak Park Primary School will work collaboratively to provide a stimulating, safe and challenging learning environment that promotes resilient, innovative thinkers.
Calendar of Events
Principal's Column
Dear Families, As you are aware we commence circuit breaker action at midnight this evening. Friday has been declared a Pupil Free Day. As a school we have made the decision to support families of essential workers(only) tomorrow, if they cannot find alternative arrangements for the pupil free day. Please call us immediately if you need supervision. From Monday 31st May we will start remote learning until Thursday 3rd June. You will receive information Friday from each of the teaching units in the school. Onsite learning will be provided for the families of vulnerable children and essential workers only. Forms for onsite provision are available on Compass and must be submitted by 4pm Friday 28th May. I would like to thank the wonderful team at OPPS for their flexibility and can-do attitude to preparations for next week. They are an amazing team. The wellbeing of all students, families and staff remains a priority for us. Please call us if you require support. Just a reminder to families that we are taking enrolments for 2022 and we are running school tours for prospective 2022 families. Please call the office for details. Over the next 2 weeks the Year 4-6 children will be involved in the Attitudes to School Survey, families have had information sent to them in Compass. Ths survey provides us with great insight into how are children are engaged in their learning and how they feel as a member of the OPPS community. It is an anonymous survey which provides data for our School Strategic and Annual Implementation Plans. Loren Peavey Acting Principal National Sorry Day and Reconciliation Week
National Sorry Day – 26th May 2021 National Sorry Day was yesterday and it marks the day that the landmark ‘Bringing them Home’ report was tabled in federal parliament in 1997. It is a time to remember the past policies of forced child removal, and reflect on the sad and painful stories of the Stolen Generations. It is a time to recognise the resilience of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the power of saying Sorry. National Reconciliation Week -27th May – 2nd June National Reconciliation Week is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. This year’s theme is ‘More than a word. Reconciliation takes action.’ Over the coming week the children will be involved in activities to commemorate both of these important dates on our calendars and in the history and future of Australia. Image is called ‘Action’ by Jessica Johnso
Specialist Corner News
Welcome to The Specialist Corner. We have created this section in the newsletter to keep the community informed of the great learning happening in the Specialist classrooms. We hope you enjoy the weekly updates. Saturday 29 May 2021
PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT SESSIONS HAVE NOW BEEN POSTPONED DUE TO COVID RESTRICTIONS 10:00am-1:00pm Guided genie creek walk starting at Oak Park Reserve 1: 10:00am - 11:15am Guided genie creek walk starting at Oak Park Reserve 2: 11:30am - 12:45pm HELP TO SAVE WATER The 3/4’s have been learning about the importance of water, and inspired by a visit from Yarra Valley Water’s ‘Water Watchers’ the students created posters encouraging ways to reduce water use. Some of the ideas they came up with are:
Signing students out early
If you need to sign your child out of school early, we ask parents/guardians to please not go directly to the classroom. You must come into the Office area and sign your child out of the school. Teachers will not be able to release students until this is completed. Late Arrival to school: If your child is late arriving to school, you will need to bring them into the Office area and sign them in. There are quite a few students who are dropped off at school late, often at the back gate area, and this is not a safe practice. We also ask Parents to please input your childs absence on to Compass in the morning if your child is ill or away for the day. If this is not done, your child will be an unexplained absence, you will automatically receive a text message and a call from the Office. Your assistance regarding this would be greatly appreciated. New Restrictions
In Victoria, face masks are now compulsory when indoors. All parents entering our school must wear a mask, we ask families to please adhere to this. |
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