Address: Willett Avenue, Oak Park VIC 3046
T:(03) 9306 9182 E: [email protected] |
Issue 4
February 25th 2021 |
Oak Park Primary School will work collaboratively to provide a stimulating, safe and challenging learning environment that promotes resilient, innovative thinkers.
Calendar of Events
Principal's Column
Some kids – and adults - find history a bit boring. They often think it’s about events and things that happened a long time ago that are of no relevance to them or their lives. And that is true in many cases, but sometimes we can find a connection to a story that resonates with us. Most of the places I lived in recent years I’ve ended up ‘researching’ to some extent. Because I am interested in what was there before. I have tried to get my kids interested in their histories too but it’s been a bit of a lost cause. Maybe it’s something you come to as you get older, as the story of your life becomes a bit more important to you. I took my kids on a drive once, past one of the places I used to live and the school I went to when I was a kid. “Can we get an ice cream now?” they complained. “Not till I finish my story,” I said. On the same theme, I went to a presentation at the local library a little while ago. An archaeologist spoke about the history of the area around where I live. He mainly spoke about fairly recent history, as in during the last 80 – 100 years and I found that interesting because it wasn’t all that long ago – almost within reach. Someone in the audience asked the archaeologist what was the most interesting thing or relic he had ever uncovered. And he thought for a bit, then said that it wasn’t actually a thing that he had dug up; it was a story he found. He had an old journal that had been written by an overseer in John Batman’s exploratory party who had walked up the Marybyrnong River from where it joined with the Yarra. The journal had descriptions of the land along the river and illustrations of the markings that the overseer had cut into trees along the way to mark the route. The rest of Batman’s party followed these tree markings. The archaeologist had walked the route and found a number of trees still with the markings on them. He talked about the goosebumps he got when he saw them. The picture of the party exploring along the river came to life in his mind, almost as if he had been there. This was especially so a little while later, when he discovered that a distant relative had been a member of Batman’s party. Between the ages of 5-7, my family lived on the migrant hostel that used to be on the land now occupied by Bunnings in Preston. When I drive past that place I often wonder if there’s a bit of me under Bunnings – a toy car or something I left behind. I might sneak over one day and have a dig. Positive Education
During weekly Positive Education sessions, children are taught about being grateful, showing kindness, being a team player and many other important life skills and attributes. This week we have been focusing on ‘Gratitude.” Being aware of, and thankful for, the good things that happen in your life. I encouraged students to reflect on their learning and things they are grateful for. Below are some quotes from children’s Gratitude journals:- “I am grateful that I have a roof over my head and food to eat.” “My dad is learning too. He is learning about writing.” “I am thankful for having my mum and my dad.” “I am grateful for my teacher and learning.” “I am grateful that I have books to read.” “I am thankful that we are not in remote learning.” “I am grateful we live in Australia.” Education is more than academics. What if our children learn more about themselves as people? What if they have more empathy, they enjoy family connection, they can be more creative and entertain themselves, they learn to love to read, they love to express themselves in writing? What if they enjoy the simple things, like their own backyard and sitting near a window in the quiet? What if they notice the birds and the dates the different flowers emerge, and the calming renewal of a gentle rain shower? What if this generation are the ones to learn to cook, organize their space, do their laundry, and keep a well run home? What if they learn to stretch a dollar and to live with less? What if they learn to plan shopping trips and meals at home? What if they learn the value of eating together as a family and finding the good in sharing the small delights of the everyday? What if they are the ones to place great value on our teachers and educational professionals, librarians, public servants and the previously invisible essential support workers like truck drivers, grocers, cashiers, custodians, logistics, and health care workers and their supporting staff, just to name a few of the millions taking care of us right now? What if among these children, a great leader emerges who had the benefit of a slower pace and a simpler life to truly learn what really matters in this life? Sourced: blog post As you sit around the dinner table tonight, I encourage you to ask the question, “What are you grateful for?” Maria Giordano ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL Sustainability
WHY? WHY? WHY? Why do we encourage rubbish free lunches at school?
John Hughes Maths Club
Maths Club is happening every Tuesday, during the first half of lunch in the 5/6 area. This week was for Foundation – Grade 2 students, where they tackled the challenge to build the longest snakes using unifix blocks. The snakes grew to over 350 unifix long! Next week is for students in Grades 3 – 6, so please come along and enjoy some maths activities. From Kyle and Ruby (2021 Mathematics Captains) Foundation News
This week the Foundation students were learning about the letters ‘p’ and ‘t’ and we were lucky enough to plant our own class tree with John. We learnt that many living things exist at our school and now we know some of the ways we can show them respect and care. Thank you to John for such a fun afternoon! Art
OPPS Indigenous Bottle Top Mural Art Installation Hello Oak Park Community! David Flint (Visual Arts Teacher) and John Hughes (Sustainability Teacher) are in the process of creating an Indigenous bottle top mural. The mural requires thousands of bottle tops to be completed. We would like to call on families to save bottle tops of various sizes and colours, and to bring them into the school when you have collected at least a zip lock bag full or even a shopping bag full. Bottle tops collected, can be given to either David or John. The project is being completed in the Art Room on Thursdays at lunchtime. Once the mural is completed, it will be installed on the exterior wall between the Staffroom and the Library. Thank you for your assistance! Oak Park's Got Talent
Oak Park’s Got Talent is back for 2021 and boy is there talent at this school! This term, we’re excited to introduce some different categories. We can’t wait to discover the new talent these categories will uncover. Week 5: Lip Sync: Have you ever pretended to be a popstar in your bedroom? Come along and show us your most realistic lip syncing. Week 6: First Timers: If you’ve always wanted to give Oak Park’s Got Talent a go, but you’ve felt a bit nervous, this is your week! The audience will be extra supportive to see your first performance. Week 7: 3-word story: Show your improvisation skills by making up a story on the spot from 3 words, provided by the audience. The funnier or sillier your story, the better! Week 8: Hidden Talent: Can you play the spoons? Can you do a headstand? Maybe you’ve got creepy double jointed arms… Come along and show us your hidden talents. Week 9: 5-6 Rap: Perform your own rap or a rap from a song of your choice. Come along and sign up for the week of your choice with April and Martha on Thursday lunchtimes, in the Multi Purpose room. Uniform Swap Meet & Second-hand Uniform Sale
The PFA will also be running a Uniform Swap Meet and Secondhand Uniform Sale on Thursday 4 March, from 3.15 to 4 pm. Full details below: Date : Thursday 4 March Time : 3:15 – 4 PM Place : Tiger Turf (by the office/library) We encourage the OPPS community to bring in uniforms excess to need and swap for items of equivalent value or buy preloved items at bargain prices. All items handed in must be in good condition and clean. Items brought in will be inspected and exchanged for tokens as follows:
Please aim to bring in items towards the beginning of the swap so we can have them available to others. *Items will be for sale on completion of the swap portion of the meet. The prices will vary between $5- $15 depending on the condition of the item. Parents running the swap meet will price each item based on its condition.* Please keep in mind: ♻ Bring items that are clean and in good condition. Items with excessive marks, stains, tears can be donated, but may not receive full token value. ♻ When you arrive at the Swap, you will be given swap tokens for the items you bring. ♻ Once the items are at the Swap, they are no longer yours. ♻ Nothing can be claimed until the host opens the Swap but browsing is allowed. ♻ Once the host announces the Swap is open, you may claim items and either trade in tokens or pay for the items in cash. ♻ If two or more of you want the same item, the host or representative will referee a match of scissors, paper, rock or other game. Donations are gladly accepted during the Meet or they can be brought to the front office at any time. We will also have handmade cloth face masks for sale at $12 each. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the school. Lost Property
Not one item of this lost property (left over from last year) has been claimed as yet. We listed this in our first newsletter for the year, but as yet it is unclaimed. Surely someone is missing some of these precipous things??
KEYS: 1 x Honda key with house key, I Toyota key, 1 house key (Ali), 1 master key, I key on a Smiggle key ring, keys on a Coburg Super Finish keyring, Kees housekey, ilco key on lanyard, pink housekey 3 sets earphones |
Oak Park’s Got Talent
Oak Park’s Got Talent is back for 2021 and boy is there talent at this school! This term, we’re excited to introduce some different categories. We can’t wait to discover the new talent these categories will uncover. Week 3: Dance: Have you got natural rhythm? Show us your best moves. Week 4: Comedy: Are you a joker? Can you do excellent impressions of the teachers? Come and have us in stitches. Week 5: Lip Sync: Have you ever pretended to be a popstar in your bedroom? Come along and show us your most realistic lip syncing. Week 6: First Timers: If you’ve always wanted to give Oak Park’s Got Talent a go, but you’ve felt a bit nervous, this is your week! The audience will be extra supportive to see your first performance. Week 7: 3-word story: Show your improvisation skills by making up a story on the spot from 3 words, provided by the audience. The funnier or sillier your story, the better! Week 8: Hidden Talent: Can you play the spoons? Can you do a headstand? Maybe you’ve got creepy double jointed arms… Come along and show us your hidden talents. Week 9: 5-6 Rap: Perform your own rap or a rap from a song of your choice. Come along and sign up for the week of your choice with April and Martha on Thursday lunchtimes, in the Multi Purpose room. Breakfast Club
A reminder: Our breakfast club is a great way to spend a half hour with other students. Come and join in - Monday, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8:30am Essendon Bowls Club
Wayne from Essendon Bowls Club has been running a bowls program at school, which the students have been thoroughly enjoying. Please check out the brochure below regarding a great social bowling for juniors program. Kelly Sports
Year 6-7 Transition
ATTENTION GRADE 5 PARENTS: The Process for Applications to Secondary College for 2022/Year 7 students start approximately April 2021. Information will be added to the newsletter as it comes in, and will be forwarded to all families of Grade 5 students at this time. Penola Catholic College Families of Grade 5 students who are looking at enrolling their children at Penola Catholic College in 2023, will need to take not of the following information. Enrolments for Year 7-2023 are now open at Penola Catholic College. Applications close on the 20th August 2021. Community News
Community News
MORELAND SCHOOL HOLIDAY PROGRAM Bookings for the April 2021 School Holiday Program will open by 5pm, Friday 12 February 2021 and will remain open until full capacity has been reached Once bookings open you will be able to make a booking via our online booking system using the casual booking option For further information including how to log on please visit council’s website on School Contacts