Address: Willett Avenue, Oak Park VIC 3046
T:(03) 9306 9182 E: [email protected] |
Issue 32
October 21st 2021 |
Oak Park Primary School will work collaboratively to provide a stimulating, safe and challenging learning environment that promotes resilient, innovative thinkers.
Calendar of Events
Principal's Column Return to Face to Face Learning It has been wonderful to welcome back our Foundation students this week. Their excitement to be back at school has been a delight to watch! I’m pleased to report that this return has been very smooth indeed, as our wonderful teachers focus heavily on supporting student wellbeing during this current transition period. We ask that all parents carefully note the following arrangements that will be in place to support a safe return to school next week. Please note our Year 5&6 students are back this Friday the 22nd. To stagger traffic onto the school site please use the following information to support: If your surname (Family name) begins with A-M please arrive around 8:45. If your surname (Family name) begins with N-Z please arrive around 8:55. Please try to keep your time on-site as brief as possible and don’t enter school buildings unless it is entirely necessary.
Arriving at 8:45am – 9:00am heading directly into classrooms.
From 3:20 Surnames A-M: Pick Up from the Tiger Turf near the Library. From 3:30 Surnames N-Z: Pick Up from the Tiger Turf near the Library.
Arriving at 8:45am – 9:00am heading directly into classrooms.
From 3:20 Surnames A-M: Pick Up from the Junior Playground. From 3:30 Surnames N-Z: Pick Up from the Junior Playground.
Arriving at 8:45am – 9:00am heading directly into classrooms.
From 3:20 Surnames A-M: Pick Up from the Basketball Court. From 3:30 Surnames N-Z: Pick Up from the Basketball Court.
Arriving at 8:45am – 9:00am heading directly into classrooms.
From 3:20 Surnames A-M: Pick Up near the sandpit on Summit Ave. From 3:30 Surnames N-Z: Pick Up near the sandpit on Summit Ave.
Arriving at 8:45am – 9:00am heading directly into classrooms.
From 3:20 Surnames A-M: Leaving first and collecting siblings if required. From 3:30 Surnames N-Z: Leaving second and collecting siblings if required. A table below for further reference, I appreciate it is a complicated week.
Please continue to check the school newsletter each week for more detailed support and advice.
We will also have separate play areas for different cohorts of children this term as more students return to on-site learning, this will begin from this Friday the 22nd. Students will follow the playground plan below and have a staggered entry and exit during playtimes to avoid cohorts crossing over. We’ve also topped up playgrounds with soft-fall tanbark in preparation for more students returning on-site. Thanks to Year 3 students that helped spread the tanbark-joy around.
Kind regards, Michael Gill Principal Return to School
A reminder that ALL students in Years 3-6 will be required to wear a face mask when indoors at school, unless an exemption applies. Exceptions include students with a physical or intellectual disability where their disability means it would not be suitable. PLEASE ENSURE YOUR CHILD BRINGS A MASK TO SCHOOL Grade 3/4 Student Return
On Tuesday 26 and Wednesday 27 October we will be welcoming the Grade 3/4 students into the classroom for onsite learning. Please see the checklist below as a reminder of what students will need to bring with them to school.
Students do not need to bring back their remote learning exercise books. Thanks and we look forward to seeing the students in the classroom next Tuesday and Wednesday. 3/4 team Meagan, Jane, Kira, April and Juli Staff Car Park
We would like to remind parents to not park or drop off/pick up students in the staff car park. The car park is very small, and is for staff parking only. We thank you for your attention to this. |
2022 Enrolments
We are still receiving enrolments for siblings of students already attending Oak Park Primary School. Our Foundation teachers are in the process of organising the 2022 Foundation transition process. Please contact the office if you are enrolling a child in 2022, as we would appreciate your enrolment as soon as possible. [email protected] Sunsmart
Please remind your child to bring a hat to school, as all students are required to wear a hat during Term 4. Grade 3/4 Science
MAD ABOUT SCIENCE EXCURSION A reminder for families who have yet to pay for the 3/4 Science incursion: We have extended the payment deadline until tonight (Thursday) so you may pay via Compass. Foundation 100 Days of School
On Wednesday the Foundation students dusted off their wigs and walking sticks and finally celebrated their 100 days of school (plus a few more!). We started the day by making crowns in our classrooms and then had a costume parade on the tiger turf. Everybody looked fantastic! We were then lucky enough to watch a movie and have hot chips for lunch. There were some very hungry grandmas and grandpas! Thank you to all of the families for the incredible effort they went to with the costumes. Overall it was a wonderful day and we’re sure there would have been some exhausted 100 year olds last night! As Mattea from FM said, "today was the best day of my life!” SPECIALIST NEWS
Visual Art Visual Arts Remote Learning Week 2 Term 4 These are some of the wonderful artworks created by OPPS students in remote Visual Arts classes during Week 2 of Term 4. There were plenty of wonderful artworks submitted this week. Thanks to all of those students that participated in the online learning lessons for Art. Please stay safe and well and I look forward to seeing you all very soon. Community News
Junior Cricket come and try day!
*Sunday 31st of October *10am-11am Junior training begins Wednesday 3rd of November, 5pm-6pm. Contact junior coordinator Carly Miranda for any enuiries - 0416 013 780 Please note all plays must be registered prior to the first game to play. School Contacts