Address: Willett Avenue, Oak Park VIC 3046
T:(03) 9306 9182 E: [email protected] |
Issue 31
October 20th 2022 |
Oak Park Primary School will work collaboratively to provide a stimulating, safe and challenging learning environment that promotes resilient, innovative thinkers.
Calendar of Events
Principal's Column
Curriculum Day Reminder – Monday October 31st Please note that a curriculum day is scheduled for Monday 31st October (the day prior to Melbourne Cup day). This will result in students having an extra long four-day weekend. School will resume as usual on Wednesday 2nd November. COVID-19 Update The following settings, based on advice from the Department of Health, are now in place for all Victorian schools. If your child is unwell and/or COVID positive, we ask that you follow these new guidelines: It is strongly recommended that students:
Where students become symptomatic at school they should:
Year 1/2 Sleepover A big thanks to all the teachers and parents that assisted for our Year 1/2 Stay Late and Sleepover event. This is a highly anticipated event by our junior students and forms part of our school’s early camping program as these students lay the foundation for extended camps beyond the school in later years. It was a long night, but I’m happy to report all students that attended enjoyed the event and all Year 2 students stayed the entire night. A huge result for students that have had disrupted opportunities over the last two years to enjoy sleep overs that build resilience and flexibility. We sincerely thank the Year 1/2 teachers that supported the extensive planning that has gone into organising this event. An additional thanks to Alex and Lauren for their support on the night too. I’ll also note that from 2023 due to a new industrial agreement, any teaching and ES staff attending camps will accrue time in lieu to recognise their commitment to the camping program. School Leadership, in consultation with School Council will work to consider the best options to repay staff for their time for supporting these important events. Hats Just a reminder that the Spring weather (usually) brings beautiful sunshine but also increased UV radiation. Students require a hat at school every day. If students are outside without a hat, teachers will direct them to play in the shade for their safety. So please support students’ ability to play freely by packing a hat (or two) in school bags, with names on the inside to assist the return of any lost hat. Please note that students need to wear an appropriate school hat, either the bucket, broadbrim or legionnaire designs. All three styles offer adequate protection from the sun. The use of other hats cannot be supported as they don’t meet the sunsmart requirements and promote unnecessary attention or boastful behaviour from students. Hats can be purchased via our uniform shop or navy coloured options are available at Big W and Kmart at reasonable prices. Kind regards, Michael Gill Principal Dogs Connect
We have really exciting news and want everyone to hear about it! We encourage you to please read the letter that will come home tonight (and attached to this newsletter) as it outlines Oak Park Primary School’s partnership with Dogs Connect. Included in that letter is a 4-question multiple choice survey that you can access here (it’s anonymous). The survey will help us address any of your concerns in the coming weeks. The survey is also attached to the information letter. All the best, The Core Wellbeing Dog Group (Sally, Michael, Kirsty, Fran, Naomi and Lisa) Sports Photos
NOTE NEW DATE: Grade 5/6 sports students will be having their photos taken on Thursday 27th October. We would ask those students to please bring their sports tops to wear for the photos. Grade 2 Parent Helpers Grade 6 Tops
A REMINDER, that all orders along with payment, for the Grade 6 polo tops and hoodies for 2023 must be received at the school by Friday the 28th of OCTOBER. NO LATE ORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THIS DATE. Carols Picnic Night
SAVE THE DATE! On the 1st of December you are invited to our annual Christmas Picnic Night. It’s been a few years since we have been able to have this event (last year we ended up filming the songs due to COVID). It’s a lovely night to bring a picnic, meet other families from our community and watch students sing some Christmas themed songs in the glorious summer sunshine. It’s always a fun night! Physical Education
The weather is starting to heat up and we are loving it in PE! This week the students have continued to work on their volleyball skills and game sense. Junior years are working towards learning the nuances of the dig, set and serve. While the senior years have been challenged with jumping footwork and blocking technique. We also have students in grades 3-4 participate in their daily swimming lessons. From all accounts it seems as though the students are enjoying their time at the pool. Students in grade 5-6 will begin their lessons after cup day and the 1-2 students have their water safety day in the coming weeks. Visual Arts
Hi OPPS Families, Your child(ren) should have brought some artwork home last week that they had planned and made a start on in art classes in Week 1 and 2. The artwork is being created for the annual PFA Kids Art Works fundraiser. Student artworks can be scanned and printed onto items such as calendars, diaries, greeting cards, mousepads and sketchbooks. Artworks need to be finished at home and must be returned to David Flint in the Art Room by Thursday October 20th. Order forms were also distributed to the students and will also need to be returned with a cash only payment to classroom teachers by Thursday the 20th of October. If you require additional order forms please collect these from the school office. Any order inquiries can be directed to the PFA at the email address below. [email protected] Please note: This is not a compulsory activity and will not be considered as part of the students’ assessment for Visual Arts. This is a fundraising initiative and has been quite successful in years past. A portion of the money generated by Kids Artworks orders will be reimbursed to the school, assisting with funding programs and initiatives for the 2023 school year. We highly value the continued support shown by the OPPS community. Thank you so much! David Flint (Visual Arts Teacher) Grade 5/6 Excursion
Last week, the 5/6 students travelled into the city to visit the Immigration Museum. We learned about many stories of migration and how Australia has grown to be the diverse, multi-cultural country it is today. Our visit was a great springboard for our Inquiry question this term of, ‘What’s My Story?’ Our next steps are learning about the migration timeline of Australia, the reasons for migration and the contributions that migrants have made. Then, we will explore our personal migration stories and where our families came from. |
Grade 1/2 Sports Club
The Grade 1/2 Sports Club is happening again this term! The students will participate in fitness activities, play games and use a range of fun sporting equipment. This club is on every Wednesday during the first half of lunch in the gym and is open for Grade 1s and 2s. We even have a special helper Izzy who is coming in to help learn some new exercises and play some sport games. Malik from 1/2F reported "it was awesome!" Can’t wait to see you there! Grade 1/2 Fun night/Sleepover
Grade 3/4 Swimming
On Tuesday, the Grade 3/4 students began their swimming lessons at Oak Park Aquatic Centre. They braced the cold temperatures of the water and had a ball learning about water safety and a variety of swimming techniques and skills. Students will participate in lessons from Tuesday-Friday until October 28th. Grade 4 Penola Visit
The Grade 4 students were invited to attend Penola's Junior Campus on Monday 17th October. The visit acquainted students with the school and provided insights into secondary education. Students participated in a range of activities from various subject areas including Science, Maths, Humanities, Food, Art and Languages. Oak Park Scout Group
Poppy Appeal
Sold on behalf of Glenroy RSL next week for Remembrance Day, before and after school. Prices are as stated. Community News
Kelly Sports
2023 Graduation Garment Order Form
School Contacts