Address: Willett Avenue, Oak Park VIC 3046
T:(03) 9306 9182 E: [email protected] |
Issue 14
May 20th 2021 |
Oak Park Primary School will work collaboratively to provide a stimulating, safe and challenging learning environment that promotes resilient, innovative thinkers.
Calendar of Events
Principal's Column
It is hard to believe we are halfway through Term 2 tomorrow. Great work everyone. This week we say a sad farewell to Meredith who worked in the office Monday, Thursday and Friday. The school will miss her ever present smile and her willingness to help everyone. Meredith has decided to cease working to concentrate on being a Grandma, she is excited about this next stage in her life, so a silver lining for her. Sunday night her first grandson was born, the family are all doing well. Meredith has not made this decision lightly and does not want any fuss. She wants you to know that you are all brilliant and that she will miss you all and that she has loved her time at OPPS. If you would like to send your farewell wishes to the school via Compass we will make sure Meredith receives them. I continue to enjoy the wonderful pieces of work the learners have been bringing to my office for my Wonderful Wall of Learning. It is getting very full, and I will need to rotate in new work. This week a group of students brought a persuasive piece of writing to me about parking around the school and the idea of walking to school a couple of days a week. Below is their writing which I am very pleased to share with you. Keep showing your children that we all learn something new each day. Loren Peavey Acting Principal The Drop-off Must Be Closed Twice a Week!
Authors: Lachy, Chris, Elaa, Makayla and Adam in Yr 4 Do you rely on the drop-off to get your kids to class? Well, you should not because parents must walk to school two days a week with their child instead of using the drop-off. This is because, if you walk to school, you can stay healthy getting exercise, get fresh air and still have time to play with your kids. If you do not agree then read this to change your mind. In my opinion, I believe that parents must walk their child to school at least 2 days a week instead of using the drop-off. For starters, you can stay healthy by getting exercise just by walking. How crazy is that? Dr. Murphy discovered that people who walk to school are smarter than average people. We even surveyed the whole of the school and 50% of people walk to school. Do you agree that parents must walk to school with their child? Are you convinced yet? Well, if not, you should be! Well firstly, you get fresh air instead of getting carsick. Would you like getting carsick or hear birds tweeting and have a peaceful life on the footpath? Still not convinced. You can still drive but park next to the drop-off, so now it’s your turn to decide! To sum it all up, parents must walk to school with their child, into a new healthy life. Let’s be honest, walking is one of the healthiest forms of exercise. Besides, you can spend quality time with your children and still get lots of fresh air. If you get hurt just walk it off. Reconciliation Week
Reconciliation Week’s theme for 2021, More than a word. Reconciliation takes action, urges the reconciliation movement towards braver and more impactful action. 2021 marks twenty years of Reconciliation Australia and almost three decades of Australia’s formal reconciliation process. The dates commemorate two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey- the anniversaries of the successful 1967 referendum and the Mabo decision. The week-long event gives us the opportunity to explore how we can all engage in the conversation of national reconciliation. Reconciliation Week follows National Sorry Day which is an Australia-wide observance held on May 26 each year. This day gives people the chance to come together and share the steps towards healing for the Stolen Generations, their families and communities. Stolen generations refer to Indigenous Australians who were forcibly removed from their families and communities. Specialist Corner News
Welcome to The Specialist Corner. We have created this section in the newsletter to keep the community informed of the great learning happening in the Specialist classrooms. We hope you enjoy the weekly updates. Art:
Visual Arts School Concert DVD Competition This week students from Grades 3-6 will be bringing home their 2021 School Concert designs. The students have had two lessons to make a start on the designs for the DVD Cover and Advertising Competition. Students have until Week 10 of Term 2 to complete the designs, then return them to the Visual Arts Teacher (David Flint). There have been some very creative and imaginative designs produced so far and I look forward to seeing the final products. The competition winner will be announced in Term 3. Students not wishing to enter the competition still need to complete the design as a part of their art assessment, and either return the artwork, or take a photo and airdrop it to David in the Art Room. Sustainability
Moonee Ponds Creek magical genie walk! Melbourne Water is leading the Reimaging Your Moonee Ponds Creek Project on behalf of the Chain of Ponds Collaboration Group and in partnership with Moreland City Council, Moonee Valley City Council, City West Water and the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP). We’re hosting a family friendly creek walk and genie activity on Saturday 29th May to hear your feedback about how you currently use the Moonee Ponds Creek. Our guided creek walk will include fun activities with a genie to further understand how the community currently uses the Moonee Ponds Creek and to gather ideas to help inform our design to create a more appealing creek side environment and activate open spaces. Come along to St Francis Football Club at 563A Pascoe Vale Rd, Pascoe Vale VIC 3044 between 10:00am to 1:00pm to participate in the creek activity! We are hosting two sessions with a genie to guide families and children on a magical journey along the creek to understand your ideas about what you like about the creek and how we can enhance it. Tell your friends, tell your family and see you at St Francis Football Club at Oak Park Reserve: If you can’t make it to the magical genie walk, please have your say by visiting Melbourne Water’s website and let them know how you would like to see the Moonee Ponds Creek transformed. Saturday 29 May 2021 10:00am-1:00pm Guided genie creek walk starting at Oak Park Reserve 1: 10:00am - 11:15am Guided genie creek walk starting at Oak Park Reserve 2: 11:30am - 12:45pm P.E. (Physical Education):
This week in sport we ran qualifying races for next weeks’ District Cross Country to be held at Boeing Reserve. Students who qualified for the event were able to demonstrate a great display of aerobic fitness and resilience during their races. Students in Grade 4 will be running 2 km, while those in Grades 5-6 will be running 3km in some very tricky conditions. Those who are lucky enough to finish in the top 10 of their races will qualify for the next round. Good luck to all students involved! I am desperate for some parent helpers for next week's District Cross Country. The event will run from 12- 2 pm and all you will need to do is help supervise the students while they await their events. I am responsible for MC duties that day, so any extra help will be greatly appreciated. There is also a role for field marshal which we need to fill. The role for this duty is to stand at a specific point along the track and provide encouragement and directions for students completing the course. If you can assist, please email me. [email protected] Kind regards, Liam Performing Arts:
Concert helpers! Have you got any time to help out for the school concert? We usually require help with sewing, handheld props, occasional woodwork task and art/craft type projects. If you have any experience that you believe may help the school concert please don’t hesitate to email me and list the types of jobs you are willing to help with. Also please watch this space as many teachers will be asking for random items for the concert. Thank you! [email protected] Needed- 2 foam mattresses- minimum 10cm thick (thicker than this is ok) If you have this type of mattress and you don’t mind it getting used for the concert please email me, here is a photo of what we are hoping for- Buddies
On Tuesday the Foundation students came to visit their Grade 6 buddies. They worked together to create these beautiful weaving designs using cardboard and wool. What shapes and angles can you see? Fresh Fruit & Breakfast Club
All children are encouraged to eat fruit daily, during our brain breaks, along with drinking lots of water. We are very fortunate to have the fruit and breakfast club foods donated to our school through Foodbank. Also, we are delighted to see students regularly attend Breakfast Club, each Monday, Wednesday and Thursday morning, from 8.30-8.50am, in the staffroom. It's a great way to start the day, with a healthy breakfast and also the opportunity to chat with your friends, and even make new friends. We have many halal options on the menu, and our breakfast includes weetbix, cheerios, muesli, hot porridge, fruit cups, milo, milk and on some occasions we also supply toast. Breakfast is open for everyone and all you need to do is just 'come along.' We hope to see you there! A big thank you to our wellness captains and Helen Brown for doing a great job helping to run the programs. |
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