Address: Willett Avenue, Oak Park VIC 3046
T:(03) 9306 9182 E: [email protected] |
Issue 9
April 1st 2021 |
Oak Park Primary School will work collaboratively to provide a stimulating, safe and challenging learning environment that promotes resilient, innovative thinkers.
Calendar of Events
Principal's Column
So to my final newsletter. I’m not completely on top of the history of the school, going back to the very early days, but its my understanding that there have only been 3 principals here in the past 45 years. And I think a lot of the reason why that is so, is because it is such a great school with such a wonderful community – and people who come here as principal, just don’t want to leave – that’s why Oak Park is known as a destination school. Rather than a school you transition from. I never really wanted, nor expected to be a principal. I loved being a teacher and always thought the reason you become a teacher is because you love being with kids and helping them to learn. And your work as a principal is all about that – but it often takes you away from the actual contact with kids that teachers love. But I have loved my time over my 20 years of being a principal, because of the wonderful people I have worked with. Oak Park is a pretty special place. I have often met with principals over the years who have never heard of Oak Park, but after explaining where we are, I always tell them who we are and all about the wonderful community we have. And I think it’s the community that sets this school apart. I will be forever grateful to the many parents who have supported me and the school over the years. My interactions with parents have usually been based on the understanding that parents love their kids and will stand up for them against any perceived injustice or wrongdoing. As they should. But I think parents have also understood that the staff here at Oak Park love these kids too and we have always tried very hard to do what is right by them. And I think it’s because of that shared understanding, that parents have shown a huge amount of goodwill over the years and, when there have been issues, a willingness to work towards a solution with us. Thank you for that. Our staff are wonderful. Because I have been here so long, I have been in the very privileged position of appointing most of the staff members who are at the school today. So obviously, I saw things that I liked in them and I wanted them to be at my school. We’ve had a lot of laughs over the years and a few tears too, for different reasons. I want to thank everyone on staff for their commitment to the kids, for their willingness to take things on board and for their forgiveness of my many faults. I’ve been very lucky to have been part of many great schools over the years. Ten in fact. But of all the schools and all the kids I have worked with, the Oak Park kids are the best. Students here are so easy to work with, really lovely to be around and a great credit to their parents. It’s been wonderful these last few weeks every time I have set foot in the school yard. The number of kids who have come up to me and said hello, or waved to me and told me they will miss me has been overwhelming. Thank you. I want to say to our students – think big, keep working hard and try your best – but especially, be kind to each other. I will be keeping an eye on the school in coming years. A big part of me is here and I will always want to know how everyone is going and I will always be hoping for the best for all of you. The school will have a new principal for term 2 and maybe another new one from term 3. I know whoever takes over will be very fortunate. The school is in a great place. It’s the right time for a new principal to take over and the right time for me to leave. It’s a bit of a cliché, but I am looking forward to spending more time with my beautiful wife Angelique, and my family including one, nearly two grandchildren and my friends. Plus a bit of travel, a bit of guitar and a bit more time. I will miss this place and all of you. Thank you. Bryan Nolan Anzac Day
Each year we assist Glenroy RSL with the sale of badges and wrist bands for the Anzac Day Appeal. Our School Captains will be selling these badges from 8.45 in the morning, and after school until 3.40pm on the Tiger turf area outside the Administration area. At any other time they may be purchased from the Office Please assist by bringing the correct money. Thank you School Photos
School Photos will be taken on Monday 24th May. Students are to ensure they have full school uniform on for the photos. Further information will be sent out in the newsletter and on Compass closer to the date. Late Arrivals/Early Departures
The first bell at school rings at 8:50am, and students may take their bags inside the classroom at this time. At 9am, the bell rings for the start of school. It is hoped that all students are at school by this time to minimise class disruptions, which the late arrival of a student does. As restrictions are easing, the following will apply again from Term 2:
Grade 3W Term 1 Reflections
Grade 3/4 Local Excursion
On Friday the 24th of April, the Grade 3/4 students will be walking to Boeing Reserve as part of our Term 2 Inquiry big idea, ‘Rules and Laws’. More information to follow on Compass this week. Book Club
Thank you to all families who placed an order with Book Club. The school now has over $650 to purchase new books for the school Library, which is an outstanding effort. Issue 2 orders, have been delivered to students. Thank you also for your patience. As I have mentioned Scholastic has been undergoing a transition to a new computer system, which has been causing a number of problems. I am hoping that these will be resolved over the holidays. I am aware that a number of students are still waiting on back orders from Issue 1. I have been in regular contact with Scholastic and they are trying to get those titles to me. Unfortunately, they may not arrive in time for the holidays. I apologise for this inconvenience but it is out of my control. Once again, thank you all for supporting Book Club, which really benefits the school, enabling us to purchase current titles to add to our Library collection. Book Club will not run next term…but watch this space for our upcoming BOOK FAIR! More information will be provided early next term…be prepared to discover a whole galaxy of books! Happy reading. Michelle Premiers Reading Challenge
Here is a message from Premier Dan Andrews regarding this year's Reading Challenge: Getting involved with the challenge is a great way to motivate your children to read every day. It's also a fabulous opportunity to encourage reading for pleasure and to enjoy getting lost in some stories with your children. If you'd like your child/ren to participate in the Premier's Reading Challenge this year, please email your child's name and grade to me at: [email protected] Happy reading! Martha Mackenzie |
Easter Raffle Reminder
The Easter Raffle will be drawn this Thursday 1st April at end of Term assembly. 1st Prize - $100 Coles Myer Voucher and an Easter Egg 2nd Prize - $75 Coles Myer Voucher and an Easter Egg 3rd Prize - $50 Coles Myer Voucher and an Easter Egg This year there are also prizes kindly donated by local businesses including Allovayoga, Chestnutt Grove, Francis Winifred, La Yoga and Peter Wallace Dance Industry Thanks everyone for your support Needed for Mothers Day Stall
The PFA are working away on some great craft projects for our upcoming Mother’s Day stall. If anyone has as any small plastic bottles like the one in this photo, that they are happy to donate, could you please bring them to the office. Thanks heaps OPPS PFA |
Chess Club Term 2
Chess Club will be returning in Term 2. Please complete the form and return to the Office with payment. Students are unable to attend chess Club unless form is completed. Chess Club Term 2 form Year 6-7 Secondary College Transition Information
The Year 6-7 Secondary College Application process will start in term 2. Oak Park Primary School will distribute the Parent information Packs to parents/carers of all current Year 6 students. Parents/Guardians: Find your local secondary school or preferred schools at Once forms are distributed to families, complete the form and return it to your Oak Park Primary School by Friday 14 May 2021. Year 7 placement is decided by secondary schools. However, all communication about placement must be with Oak Park Primary School until the placement is confirmed. You will receive notification of your child's year 7 placement on Wednesday 4 August 2021. Your child's new secondary school will then contact you later in the year to let you know about year 7 orientation. Some secondary Colleges in the area are zoned and will not accept students who reside outside the zone. We ask families to be aware of zoning issues when applying for Secondary Colleges. Secondary Colleges will require proof of address as part of their enrolment process. Information from Secondary Colleges will be placed in our newsletter as it becomes available. |
Kelly Sports
All students were given Kelly Sports Flyers yesterday to take home. Please find details for after school Autumn Sports on offer through Kelly Sports Community News
School Contacts