Address: Willett Avenue, Oak Park VIC 3046
T:(03) 9306 9182 E: [email protected] |
Issue 31
October 19th 2023 |
Oak Park Primary School will work collaboratively to provide a stimulating, safe and challenging learning environment that promotes resilient, innovative thinkers.
Calendar of Events
School Fang Run PFA News Update
Just a couple of weeks now until the day of the Fang Run on Thursday 2 November! Thank you to everyone who has supported this event so far – we have now raised just over $16,000 for the school, which means we are over halfway to our target of $30,000! For every $5000 raised a teacher will get colour bombed, Michael was the first one to accept his fate (see photo below). A video of Michael's colour bomb experience will be shown at assembly tomorrow, the kids will love it! If you haven't yet set up a student profile to start fundraising, it's not too late! Go to -- it's quick and easy to do. The competition for this week is a class prize for the best decorated classroom door that promotes the Fang Run. The winning class will receive an extended recess/snack time AND your teacher will win a $20 voucher for Francis Winifred cafe!! Winners will be announced at this week’s junior school assembly. Below are answers to a couple of frequently asked questions about the Fang Run. What should my child wear to the Fang Run? As a general rule, you will be getting covered in coloured powder during the Fang Run, so it is best to wear clothing or a costume that you don’t mind getting dirty. White clothing is especially good for showing off the colours! You should also wear comfortable shoes that you can run or walk in. The vegetable dye used in the colour powder will wash out of most garments but may stain silicone, which watch bands are usually made of – so we recommend you leave your watch or activity tracker at home on Fang Run day. How do you make the colour powder in the Fang Run? We use safe, natural, gluten-free, food-grade corn starch to make a talc-free colour powder, with vegetable dye added to make the colour. This means that the colours are completely safe for children, animals and the environment. If you have any concerns at all about safety, we suggest that students wear swimming goggles or sunglasses as eye protection and/or bandanas or scarves around their noses and mouths. If you have any more questions about the Fang Run, please visit or call 1800 FUN RUN (386 786). We hope you are all getting excited about this event, which will be a fun day and is a great opportunity to raise funds for our school! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED We are seeking volunteers to help out on event day, with tasks such as setting up, assisting at hydration and colour powder stations, general supervision and pack-up. Volunteers are welcome to help all day, or you can volunteer for one of these two shifts: Shift 1: 8.30 am – 11 am Shift 2: 11 am – 2 pm Junior school students will run during Shift 1 and senior school students during Shift 2. Please note that all volunteers at the school must have a current Working with Children Check. If you are able to lend a hand, please email the PFA at [email protected] indicating which shift you are available. Assembly Timetable - Term 4
Student Wellbeing
Term 4 Clubs Timetable This term, we are excited for the return of Oak Park’s Got Talent!!! Every Thursday lunch time, year levels will be provided with the opportunity to share their talent and compete for a chance to perform at Friday’s assembly. We look forward to seeing what the students present! WORLD Teachers Day
On Monday we are acknowledging our staff on World Teacher’s Day with a special Afternoon Tea. If you would like to contribute a plate (cake, biscuits, savoury- whatever you fancy!) to this event it would be most appreciated! Please contact Fran- [email protected] or call the school to speak to Fran and let her know you will bring something along. Thank you, your efforts to acknowledge our teachers is much appreciated 😊 Unexplained Absences
Each day we have many students with unexplained absences on their attendance record. We request that parents/guardians notify your childs full day absence via Compass. This is very easy to do and takes very little time. There is a drop down box for absence reason, and you must also note the detail of the reason in the comment box. Starting next week, letters will be sent home if your child has an unexplained absence and you will be required to go into Compass and mark their absence. Late Arrival/Early Departure
If your child is late to school, you must bring them in via the office and sign in via the iPad in the foyer. The student will then hand the form to their teacher, noting that they have been signed in correctly. When picking your child up from school early, you will also be required to complete an early departure at the office and take that form to your child’s class. Please do not ask the office staff or your child’s teacher to send your child to the office early for you to collect. This disrupts the class and means that students can be sitting in the office area for quite a while waiting for their parent. Parents/guardians must follow the correct procedure as above. Signing in late or signing out early will require you to note a reason in the comments box. Please do not mark a late arrival or early pick up from home, these need to be noted via Compass at school at the time it actually happens. We thank you for your attention to this, and please don’t hesitate to contact the office should there be any issues. Student Wellbeing
At Oak Park Primary School, healthy habits are a top priority! To support healthy eating and fruit breaks throughout the day, the wellbeing leaders in the grade 5/6 cohort provide fruit baskets to each classroom. By doing so, all students have access to a variety of fruit throughout the day to supplement their wellbeing breaks, thereby ensuring all students are included during this period of the day. The wellbeing leaders show great leadership and teamwork when they organise and prepare the fruit baskets for classrooms. This wellbeing initiative demonstrates our leadership group’s commitment and investment by providing students with not only delicious snacks, but also instilling the importance of healthy eating to carry into their future. Remembrance Day Poppy Appeal
Our Grade 6 students will be selling poppy related items on behalf of Glenroy RSL for Remembrance day. There will be small and large poppies, wristbands, keyrings and pens for sale ranging in price from $2 - $5. They will be selling these before and after school, near the Grade 5/6 area from 8.30 - 8.50am and from 3.30 – 3.45pm. Your donation would be greatly appreciated. 2024 Grade 6 Uniforms
6 POLO TOPS AND HOODED WINDCHEATERS 23rd of October Fittings Please note the return date for orders, as LATE ORDERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. We have been advised that orders will be provided the 1st week of term 1 2024. Grade 5/6 teachers FM Bin Scavenger Hunt
Last week, FM refreshed their knowledge on the rubbish bins that we use at school. We picked two bins to compare to see if they were being used correctly. The first bin we looked at was the Paper Recycle bin. It was great to see that lots of paper had been put into the bin, however we did find some random items. The most interesting was a chicken tender! In our garbage bin, we had lots of things that were meant to be in our bin, with only a few exceptions of paper and fruit scraps! We did wonder if having a mixed container recycling would be good to have in classrooms. FM enjoyed this experience and will be ensuring that their rubbish goes into the right bins! Rubbish Free Lunches
Here are some examples of rubbish free lunches from Foundation and Grade 1. We are very grateful for the effort families put into sending rubbish free lunches to support reducing waste and most importantly rubbish in our schoolyard. Specialist
Japanese The Foundation - Grade 2 students have been very excited to begin making their own ‘The very hungry caterpillar’ books. Students will be illustrating their own books to show the very hungry caterpillar eating different fruits until he gets very big (ookii) and turns into a butterfly (chou). Students are working hard to make sure their illustrations match the Japanese fruit words. Each student will create their own book which we will continue to use to build on and practice Japanese Language together. Performing Arts
Grade 3/4 students have truly embraced learning dances from different cultures and this week enjoyed sharing dances from their own culture. This week we focused on a dance from Turkey to the music Delalim and Enna, Asya and Deniz showed their peers the circular dance that is done at celebrations and weddings. The students loved the fact that the front dancer has a red piece of material so it’s clear who the leader is and linking little fingers was discussed as a way to feel connected in a trusting way. Ivan also showed us the highly energentic and complicated dance sequences from the Ukraine and the students were in awe of the astonishing high kicks and splits in the air. Ivan also demonstrated the famous Ukraine kick outs (bopping low and kicking legs to the front). Very impressive! It has been wonderful for the students to recognise many cultures have similar dance moves and dance is integral to the identity of all culture. Great learning Grade 3/4’s! |
Congratulations, Indigo, Maya and Arvin! On the last weekend of the school holidays, Maya, Arvin and myself competed in the Budo Challenge on the Gold Coast. Our Dojo took a total of five competitors to the two day tournament. The first day was Kata. Our Dojo came away with a first place and two second places, including Arvin winning silver. The second day was a more action packed day with Kumite (full contact fighting). We had to fight a round robin. Maya, Arvin, myself and my older sister Charlee all won gold in our divisions!
Year 6-7 Buckley Park Secondary College
Year 6 students who will be attending Buckley Park Secondary College in 2024, will have PAT testing (reading and Maths) at the Secondary College on Thursday 30th November from 3.15 – 5pm. This is to collect essential data about the incoming students to assist the English and Maths staff. They will begin at 3.30pm after introductions, and each test is 40 mins with a 10 min break in between Community News
AUSTRALIAN GIRLS CHOIR Open days will be held on Saturday 11th November and Sunday 12th November for Primary School aged girls. The4 Open day gives girls the opportunity to try a free fun class and for parents to attend an information session to find out more about the Australian Girls Choir. GLENROY COLLEGE 2024
School Contacts