Address: Willett Avenue, Oak Park VIC 3046
T:(03) 9306 9182 E: [email protected] |
Issue 13
May 19th 2022 |
Oak Park Primary School will work collaboratively to provide a stimulating, safe and challenging learning environment that promotes resilient, innovative thinkers.
Calendar of Events
Principal's Column
Continuation of RAT Program for Term 2 RATs will continue to be distributed to you as they have been throughout this school year for the remainder of this term. However, from Monday 23 May 2022, students will no longer be recommended to undertake either twice weekly RATs in mainstream schools or 5 days a week in specialist schools. RATs however will continue to be required by students who are household contacts to attend school (5 negative tests over a 7 day period) or who have symptoms. The ongoing supply of RATs to families in our school will ensure that parents and carers will have them should they need them if their child is a household contact or has symptoms. Families must continue to notify the Department of Health and the school if their child returns a positive RAT result. Additionally, you should inform us if any of your children are household contacts. Thank you also to all families who has got their child vaccinated. Vaccination continues to remain the best way to protect students and staff in our school. Professional Practice Day (Student Free) - Monday May 23rd Just a reminder regarding our Professional Practice Day (Student Free) is scheduled for Monday May 23rd. Students are not be required to attend school on this day, but we are hoping that families can book a timeslot via the Compass App to complete reading benchmark assessments. This will assist teachers to prepare for school reports later in the term, please note it is not a meeting or process to seek feedback from teachers on the day. We appreciate not all families are able to bring students into school during a student free day or fit into the limited timeslots, so any student not assessed on the Monday will complete their assessment during the usual school schedule. Outside Hours School Care will be available during the day between 7:30am – 5:30 pm, but students must enrol in the program with bookings required. The cost will be $70 before the Childcare Subsidy, please call to enquire if further places are available. Education Support Professionals Day (Written by the 3/4 Students) Monday the 16th of May was Education Support Professional’s Day. We thought it was a great chance for us to pay our respects to the special staff that help us all learn. Some classrooms have ES Staff working with students, such as Michelle, Sheryl, Sue and Georgia and we know that they put many hours into making our school a better place. For example, laminating, labelling book boxes, organising Book Fair, helping with Japanese activities, preparing for concert, assisting with camp and so so much more! Other staff who help us every day are Fran, Brinley, Alyssa and now, Lisa in the office. A special thanks to Alison, Chris, Dawn and Julie who take good care of us in before and after care…and we can’t forget David Lu – where would we be without his amazing tech skills? We appreciate your presence at Oak Park and all of the things that you organise for us to help us learn. We know how much time, work and effort you put into our school. It would not feel like Oak Park without you. Thank you for all of your support to students, classrooms and teachers! We know we sometimes take the things you do for granted so we hope you feel our love and appreciation today and always! Below are some items from students to show their appreciation for ES Staff. Working around the school, We think you’re rather cool, Sorting out the books, So people can take a look.
Annual General Meeting
On Wednesday May 25th at 7PM, we will host our Annual General Meeting (AGM) in the school library. The meeting is an opportunity for the community to engage further with the 2021 annual report (currently online). We're also launching a survey on the night to seek community feedback around some future decision making for our school council and school leaders. This survey will later is distributed via Compass and the school newsletter. To the support the number of chairs and setup on the night - please send a short RSVP email to [email protected] Kind regards, Michael Gill Principal School Tours
Oak Park Primary School will be offering school tours on the following dates at 10am:
If you are looking at enrolling your child at Oak Park Primary school in 2023, or know of anyone in this position, please also email Fran to organise an enrolment form. Lost Property
We still have this lost property at the office, jewellery and watch. If they belong to anyone please come to the office as I’m sure someone is really missing them. We also have many items of school uniform, particularly bomber jackets, in our lost property. We ask parents to please check the lost property if your child has misplaced theirs. Please also note your childs name on their uniform, many of these bomber jackets don‘t have a name on them. Grade 3/4 News
Grade 3/4 Shrine of Remembrance Excursion As part of our Inquiry focus 'Connections to Country', the Grade 3/4 students will participate in an excursion to visit the Shine of Remembrance followed by lunch at the Botanical Gardens on Friday 3rd June. Permission and an excursion fee of $15.00 can now be made via Compass. Consent and payment is due by Tuesday 31st May. All classes are seeking a parent helper to attend. If you would like to be a volunteer, please email your child's classroom teacher. A Working with Children’s Check is required to attend as a parent helper. Kind Regards, Grade 3/4 Team. Physical Education
It has been a very exciting term for sport so far at OPPS. I’ll give you a rundown of our current interschool sport standings for students in senior years. The footy team is so far undefeated and sits on top of the ladder tied with Glenroy West. We have yet to fill a full side, but despite this the students have demonstrated lots of heart and determination. I’m a very proud coach to say the least! As for netball, the girls team currently sit in 2nd place behind Corpus Christi while the mixed team sits in 3rd with St. Francis and Corpus Christi above them. From all accounts, this year’s netball league has been extremely competitive, and it is great to see all the students step up for the challenge! And we finish with the soccer team sitting in 4th spot. Soccer has traditionally been our Achilles heel at OPPs, but with a renewed injection of energy from the playing group we are starting to see a positive shift in the right direction for soccer. Let’s keep the ball rolling!! (Pardon the pun 😊 ) Thanks Liam Performing Arts
This week Junior classes continue to retell traditional Indigenous stories through movement and dance. Foundation students retold the Dreamtime story ‘The Rainbow Serpent’ using fabric as costumes to enhance the characters in the story. Grade 1/2 students retold the Creation Story of ‘Taddalik The Frog’. Over the past few weeks senior students have watched and then explored traditional dances from Mexico and India. This week students are learning a tradition dance style from Africa. Students are describing the differences between dances from different historical and cultural contexts and discussing how these influence their own dance making. Walk Safely to School Day - Friday 20th May (tomorrow!)
Walk Safely to School Day will be celebrated on Friday 20th May 2022. It aims to improve the environment and our daily exercise routines. Walking to school is the perfect way to start the day by getting some exercise and fresh air, ready to start school with a clear mind. Now in its 23rd year, the annual event has joined forces with National Road Safety Week to further draw the spotlight on road safety and support the importance of regular walking, not just on 20 May, but every day. If you usually drive your children to school use this day as an opportunity to walk to school, or if necessary, park further from school and walk the rest of the day. It’s a great day to chat about road safety and ensure your child/ren understands the concept of ‘Stop, Look, Listen’. Enjoy walking to school tomorrow! Book Fair
COMPETITION WINNERS: The winners of a $10 book voucher are:
Guessing competition For the first time in Book Fair history, there were two correct guesses of 493. Maisie – 3/4H Scarlett – 3/4P Competition Grade 3 – 6 The teachers from each grade nominated students who had shown a strong commitment to their reading. The names in each year level went into a draw for the voucher. Grade 3: Julian 3/4P Grade 4: Charlie 3/4T Grade 5: Zac 5C Grade 6: Saraansh 6D Congratulations to all the winners who will have the opportunity to spend their voucher at the Book Fair. Thank you to everyone who entered the competitions. PFA News
On election day, Saturday 21 May, there will be a polling booth at Oak Park Primary School, and the PFA and Grade 6 Fundraising Team will be running a sausage sizzle. This is a great fundraising opportunity, and the PFA and Grade 6s need your help! We are looking for parent volunteers to help with 2-hour shifts at the sausage sizzle between 8.30 am and 4.30 pm. If you can help out, please email [email protected] indicating the time you are available. If any families have business contacts (for example, butchers or bakers) that would allow us to purchase items at a discounted rate, please let us know by emailing the address above. Thank you in advance for your support! |
Year 6-7 Transition
A reminder for parents/carers of Year 6 students that this Friday 13th May is the final day for all Secondary College Applications to be returned. We also require Applications to be returned if your child is attending Catholic or Private schools. At this stage we have received less than half of all Applications.
Community News
School Contacts