Address: Willett Avenue, Oak Park VIC 3046
T:(03) 9306 9182 E: [email protected] |
Issue 7
March 18th 2021 |
Oak Park Primary School will work collaboratively to provide a stimulating, safe and challenging learning environment that promotes resilient, innovative thinkers.
Calendar of Events
Principal's Column
If you are ever in, or around, the school at the end of lunchtime or recess these days, you’ll hear The Beatles being played over our PA system to let students know playtime is over and if they need a drink, or the toilet, they should go straight away. The music plays for two minutes and the Beatles are perfect for playing before the bell because most of their songs only go for about two minutes. I have asked students to give me some of their music to play before the bell but I am yet to get anyone to donate a CD. Which is fine, because The Beatles are great and I think I am responsible for introducing a whole new generation to them! I even heard some of our students singing ‘Yellow Submarine’ when they came to drop something off at the office recently. I heard a podcast the other day of an interview with Sir Ken Robinson. I have written about Sir Ken before, sadly he passed away a year or so ago, but he was one of the world’s great educationalists and a huge advocate for the teaching of creativity in schools. Having grown up in Liverpool, Sir Ken was a Beatles fan too. He said that the ‘Garage Band’ app that most of us have on our phones or iPADS has a greater capability than the Abbey Road studios had when The Beatles were making their recordings. The tools that we have at our disposal these days are truly amazing. And I wonder if the Beatles would’ve been better had they had the tools that we have now? Sir Ken made the point though, that it was partly because of the technical limitations that the Beatles faced, that they were so great. They couldn’t simply push a button to produce the sound they were looking for, they had to actually create the sound themselves. And then work out the best ways that a musical pattern would work – a computer wasn’t going to do that for them; it was a creative process. I think the same can be applied when we are working with kids. We have great tools at our disposal but it is very important for kids to have many opportunities to creatively work their way through problems and find their own solutions. Rather than simply having an app that does it for them. School Photos
School Photos will be taken on Monday 24th May. Students are to ensure they have full school uniform on for the photos. Further information will be sent out in the newsletter and on Compass closer to the date. Drop off/Pick Up
We would just like to remind parents/guardians that the drive through is a pick-up/drop-off area only. We would ask families not to park there as it causes cars to back up in Summit Ave and also causes much angst among those waiting to do the right thing. DROP OFF: Please drive to the front, let your children out and drive away. Be aware of other cars also waiting to drop their children off at this busy time. If you need to walk your children into school, or spend extra time with them, please park your car in designated parking spaces. PICK UP: If your child is not waiting for you on arrival at the drive through after school, please do not park and wait for them. Exit the drive through by turning left ONLY, and lining up again behind others. Thank you for following the rules that are in place, and keeping this a safe area Parent Helpers
We will be running parent helpers information sessions here at Oak Park Primary School, in Term 2. Parent helpers add significantly to the school program and your support is greatly appreciated. Some areas where parents have traditionally assisted in our school's operations include:
Two Parent Helper Information sessions will be held, although you only need to attend ONE session.
Please RSVP via email to [email protected] by no later than Wednesday 31st March. Thank you Maria Giordano and Sally Morath Sustainability
NATIONAL RIDE TO SCHOOL DAY It’s been great to see so many students riding to school lately. The weather helps of course, but it’s a great way to increase physical activity, encourage independence and reduce air pollution from transport. It can be a great family activity too! If you’re thinking of giving this a try, why not start out this Friday, on National Ride To School Day?!?! You can even register for the event using this link: but this is not essential. Don’t forget your helmets, work out the safest route to school, and always follow the road rules! We have a bike shed near the Ridge Rd gate where students can leave their bikes during the day. Happy, safe riding to all our prospective and current riders! PFA News
EASTER RAFFLE This week students will bring home a booklet of 12 raffle tickets for the PFA’s Easter raffle. Tickets are $2 each or 3 for $5. 1st Prize – $100 Coles Myer Voucher and an Easter Egg 2nd Prize – $75 Coles Myer Voucher and an Easter Egg 3rd Prize – $50 Coles Myer Voucher and an Easter Egg Prizes also include dance and yoga class passes, café gift vouchers and more! All tickets and money need to be returned to the school by Friday 26 March. The raffle will be drawn at end-of-term assembly on Thursday 1 April. Additional tickets are available at the office. Foundation News
This week, the Foundation students have been learning about gratitude. We read Todd Parr’s ‘Thankful Book’ and then made our own class ‘Grateful Book’. Here are a few pages showing what we are grateful for. Harmony Day
This Friday 19th March we will be celebrating Harmony day, recognising diversity & inclusion. Students are asked to wear something orange. Below you will find a great kindness calendar that can be used as a countdown to Easter. |
Team Kids School Holiday Program
If you want to keep your children engaged over the school holidays, Team Kids run a great program with lots of activities. Download the program via the scanning code on the poster and register by calling on 1300 035 000 or |
Year 6-7 Transition
ATTENTION GRADE 5 PARENTS: The Year 6-7 Secondary College Application process will start in term 2. Oak Park Primary School will distribute the Parent information Packs to parents/carers of all current Year 6 students Some secondary Colleges in the area are zoned and will not accept students who reside outside the zone. We ask families to be aware of zoning issues when applying for Secondary Colleges. Penola Catholic College Families of Grade 5 students who are looking at enrolling their children at Penola Catholic College in 2023, will need to take note of the following information. Enrolments for Year 7-2023 are now open at Penola Catholic College. Applications close on the 20th August 2021. Rosehill Secondary College
STEP Program 2022 (Selective Talent Enrichment Program).Tuesday 23rd March from 6.30 – 7.30pm in the College library. STEP information pack will be available on this night including Application Packs.
Essendon Keilor College
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