Address: Willett Avenue, Oak Park VIC 3046
T:(03) 9306 9182 E: [email protected] |
Issue 03
February 16th 2024 |
Oak Park Primary School will work collaboratively to provide a stimulating, safe and challenging learning environment that promotes resilient, innovative thinkers.
Calendar of Events
Principal's Column
As part of our Annual Implementation Plan, we’re focussing on further work to promote positive attitudes to Mathematics via use of learning dispositions. These are five statements about specific attitudes, motivations and dispositions in a learner to achieve success in Mathematics.
They support student willingness to grapple, persevere with and make sense of discipline-based knowledge and content in Mathematics. Our staff completed a recent professional learning session to learn more about dispositions and develop a plan to promote and incorporate these statements into classrooms and with the wider community. Watch out for more information in upcoming newsletter as we ‘drop’ each statement to build everyone’s knowledge around the attitude and approach to being a great mathematician. Reminder for Meet the Teacher Wednesday 21st February – Bookings Available Bookings are available for 'Meet the Teacher' evening on Wednesday 21st February (Week 4) via the COMPASS app. These are different to regular parent/teacher interviews as the discussion will centre around exchanging information concerning your child, including such aspects as medical, social or emotional issues. It is also a window of opportunity for you to get to know the teacher better. Please be aware that the time allocation for these meetings is only 10 minutes. This is a normal school day for your child (9:00am-3:30pm), but conference bookings can be made from 2:30pm on that day. Teachers will be released early to start conferences by the leadership team and available Specialist teachers and CRTs. Please note: If your child has had the classroom teacher before and you do not feel an interview is necessary, there is no need to book a time. Interviews will be on-site, in your child’s classroom. Specialist teachers will be available in the library if you would like to meet with them (from 3:30pm). No scheduled appointment is necessary, just turn up to the library. Foundation parents do not need to book a time as they are meeting the classroom teacher during their scheduled EOI interview. Please contact the office if you have difficulty making a booking. We can assist you over the phone. We like to take this opportunity to ensure everyone can access and use Compass effectively, and therefore will not be making bookings on your behalf. Bookings will close on the Tuesday 20th Feb and cannot be made on the day. Still seeking volunteers for Open Streets
I’ve a recent meeting with Team Kids, who are keen to support this initiative and have offered to support of a staff member, we’re just short two more parent volunteers to make Open Streets a reality for 2024!
After some engaging and successful Open Street events in 2023, we’re hoping to continue this process using parent volunteers and some training provided by Merri-Bek Council. Open Streets compliments our other Ride & Stride initiatives, like Tag On, which we will be participating in this year to address other barriers to active travel. We need 6 volunteers from the community to make these potential events a reality, with only a short training course required and provided at the school. If you’re interested in supporting Open Streets as a volunteer, please email the school office to register your interest. Kind regards, Michael Gill Principal School Assembly
2025 Enrolments
2025 Enrolments are now open. Those families who will have a sibling attend next year, please email Fran at [email protected] for a full enrolment form. For new families to the school, please check your designated neighbourhood school at You may email Fran with your residential address and an appropriate enrolment form will be forwarded to you. School tours will start in the 2nd term and families who have given an enrolment form will be contacted via email once dates are confirmed. Information will also be in our weekly newsletter as well on our website. All enrolments must be submitted by Friday 26th July. Foundation News
The Foundation students were so excited to meet our Wellbeing Bunny Basil on Tuesday. They enjoyed watching Basil as a grade and having some special ‘Bunny Time’ with Basil. The Foundation teachers were so proud of how calm, gentle and safe all of the students were with Basil. We can’t wait to have Basil visit us again on Tuesdays and Thursdays as we continue to learn how to care of him and make him feel safe at school! Student Leader Positions
SCHOOL LEADERS School Captains
Aiden (middle left) Evelyn (middle right) Vice Captains Curtis (left) Keira (right) We are proud to be Oak Park Primary School Captains of 2024. Our responsibilities include sharing school news at assembly, reading out Wow Awards, and showing kindest and respect to all students in our school. We will help to share student ideas and work with teachers to make our school the best we can. Please come and say hello to us and talk about your ideas for school and we will make it happen! PERFORMING ARTS CAPTAINS
Amelia (left) Amy (right)
As Performing Arts Captains, we need to show support and help people achieve in the Arts. We both have wanted to be Performing Arts Captains for many years and we are so proud to be able to experience this opportunity in our lives. This year is a concert year and it will be lots of hard work and fun. As Performing Arts Captains we will be running Dance Club on Fridays in Term One and we will be trying out a new club in Term Two, we will ask students what they would like to try. We are open to suggestions for new ideas, please come and see us anytime! WELLBEING CAPTAINS
Ricky, Mary, Pippa, Abdul
We are the Wellbeing Captains of 2024. Our responsibilities include helping ensure all students are ready to learn at school. We assist at Breakfast Club and ensure all students who attend have a healthy breakfast before school. Breakfast Club is on every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday before school , meet us in the school staffroom between 8:20am- 8:50am. We also cut up fruit for junior classes to provide a fruit snack for those students who might have forgotten their fruit for the day. We also look after Zoe, our Wellbeing Dog, during her break time to ensure she has exercise, and we look after Zoe’s own wellbeing. FUNDRAISING CAPTAINS
Sarah, Oliver, Ronida, Vinudi, Lucy, Emma
We are the Fundraising Captains of 2024. We are excited to provide fun and new ideas this year to help raise money for our school. We fundraise for Grade 6 Graduation, subsided camps and school projects such as sports equipment. Please look out for our notifications through Compass for fundraising events happening in the school. Thank you to Rachel and Kate Ducie for helping us with our fundraising efforts this year! P.E. SPORTS CAPTAINS
Scarlett, Grace, Alyssa, Ava, Liam, Shardy, Jesse and Arlo (not pictured)
As Sports Captains we are responsible for facilitating and promoting Oak Park’s Physical Education program alongside Liam. We all have a keen interest in sport and we are trusted role models for younger students to aspire towards. Some of our goals for this year include:
We are open to ideas regarding fundraising items, and any other general inquiries. Please let us know any suggestions you have. Our door is always open! ART CAPTAINS
Student Names: Alex Tekinaslan 5/6C (Left) - Eaintchue Htike 5/6M (Right)
Hello we are Alex and Eaintchue and we are the Visual Arts Captains for 2024. We are very excited to have been selected as captains and look forward to undertaking some of the responsibilities that go along with the role. We will be assisting David the art teacher with organising and cleaning the art room, selecting and displaying artwork from different year levels in the windows, organising backdrops for the school concert, assisting with the concert poster competition, presenting student artwork at some assemblies and assisting with writing some school newsletter items for Visual Arts. We also hope to host some art classes later in the year at lunch time. Please feel free to ask us any questions you have regarding the Art Program and we will do our best to answer them as this year’s Art Captains! SUSTAINABILITY CAPTAINS
As Sustainability Captains our responsibility includes caring for the school gardens by watering the plants and weeding so the plants have more space to grow. We are both so happy to be Sustainability Captains because last year we both went to Garden Club and we think it’s really engaging for students.
This year as Sustainabilty Captains we will be working with Stephanie and Maree to create a lunchtime club based around student ideas and we are open to suggestions on what this club could focus on. We are open to suggestions so if you see us in the yard feel free to come up to us and share your ideas. Thank you, and remember to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle! Congratulations
This week we wanted to congratulate Maya 5/6D on achieving The Grey Wolf Award in Scouts. The Grey Wolf Award is the highest award you can earn in the Club Scout Section. Maya belongs to the local, Oak Park Scouts and has worked hard for 3 years to gain this award. Congratulations Maya on this amazing achievement. We are all very proud of you! Year 6-7 Transition
The Year 6-7 Transition process will start in Week 1 Term 2. Oak Park Primary School will distribute the Year 6-7 Placement Information Packs to all families of Grade 6 students after this time. Enclosed will be an Application form for completion by the families, FAQ and a timeline of the process. Parents/Guardians:
Information from Secondary Colleges regarding school tours and information days/nights will be placed in our newsletter as they becomes available. We would advise families to make the most of these opportunities so you may make an informed decision regarding your preferred school. After forms are distributed, should you require any further information please contact Fran at [email protected] 2024 CSEF Application
2024 Application forms for 2024 are now available. All families who hold a current Centrelink Concession card i.e. health care Card, Pension card, Veterans gold card etc are eligible to apply. These funds can be used for payment for school Camps, Sport & Excursions. Your concession card must be validated by Centrelink as at 29th Jan 2024, or 15th April 2024. Application forms may be collected from the school office, or are located on the table in the Administration foyer. Should you wish a copy to be emailed, please email [email protected] Team Kids
We are so excited to be partnering with Oak Park Primary School to bring our Before, After School & Holiday Care Program to the community! To showcase our awesome new space and the exciting changes we have made, we have created a video to share with the school community, and so our families can see the new set up and all fun things that we have in store for the children. Here is a link to our video: Specialist
Science News In Science classes this week our junior scientists have been continuing to explore the wild weather around us. And what a week for it, with some high temperatures and an exciting storm! Our budding meteorologists have learnt about reading weather reports with a hands-on, shared experience using newspaper and TV weather reports. Students have become experienced at reading and using symbols to communicate weather conditions. They engaged in discussions about why people would want and need to know about the weather and how shared symbols allow us to easily communicate what is happening in our world. A very productive week in the science room! Japanese News
This term the 5/6’s will be learning all about foods and language associated with foods. The students have enjoyed learning how to describe foods as delicious or not tasty and have had various opportunities to express their likes and dislikes. This week we have been learning and practicing fruit names through a range of activities and games and each student has started making their own fruit flashcards. Students will use these flashcards over the coming weeks to play games and practice the vocabulary through many different activities with their classmates. As you can see, they are looking amazing and I am looking forward to seeing them in action soon. Visual Arts
In recent weeks, our Year 3 and 4 students have been honing their skills in creating the illusion of three-dimensional block letters. This captivating project challenges them to not only grasp the fundamental concepts of perspective and using vanishing points, but it also incorporates some mathematical knowledge by measuring with rulers, and understanding how to divide a 40 cm line by the number of letters in their name. Measurement assisted students in creating letters of a consistent size and shape. Students brought their letters to life, carefully manipulating lines and angles to make them appear as if they're popping out of the paper. Through this process, our budding artists learnt to appreciate the intricacies of spatial relationships, depth, and visual perception. Below are some photos of the students hard at work creating their masterpieces. Some of the finished products will be on display in the art room windows in the coming weeks, so keep an eye out! Physical Education News
This week in PE we continue to focus on Bat and Ball sports across all year levels. Grades 3-6 have been working on developing their striking and fielding skills and competing in small-sided games. Students in grades 3-4 worked on throwing accurately and for distance. While those in 5-6 have been introduced to games of softball in class. It has been great to see students challenging themselves to complete these activities during some very hot days this week. Students in grades 1-2 have been busy practicing the skills of the underarm throw and forehand strike in tennis. They were tasked with delivering an accurate throw to a partner who must return the ball to the thrower with a forehand strike. Following this, students explored what “tactics” mean in tennis, they were challenged to aim their forehand shots into “space” to score points. Below we have Gabi and Milena demonstrating our activity called “Hit it Back”. Code Club
Community News
Penola Saints Basketball Glenroy Community Tennis Club
Oak Park Football Club
School Contacts