Address: Willett Avenue, Oak Park VIC 3046
T:(03) 9306 9182 E: [email protected] |
Issue 13
May 13th 2021 |
Oak Park Primary School will work collaboratively to provide a stimulating, safe and challenging learning environment that promotes resilient, innovative thinkers.
Calendar of Events
Principal's Column
This week the Year 3 and 5 children completed NAPLAN. We would like to recognise how focussed the children were over the 3 days and how they took the tests in their stride. Every child showed resilience and a willingness to give their best on these days. Well done to these grade levels. On Wednesday Maria Giordano started a short stint as the Acting Principal at Broadmeadows Valley Primary School, at this time we are unsure on her return date. Thursday 13 and Friday 14 May, Sally and I are attending the Hume and Moreland Network Conference which is focussed on Empowering Students: Student Agency and Voice. We will be involved in sessions around how we further build on how our students build agency in their learning and school experience. Parking, pick up and drop off times around the school have settled, please be remined that we never turn right into or out of the drop off zone. Thank you to everyone for keeping our children and each other safe. Eid Mubarak to our Muslim families who are celebrating Eid today. Loren Peavey Acting Principal Oak Park Primary School Enrolments 2022
Oak Park Primary is accepting enrolments for 2022. If you know of families within the local area who are wanting to enrol their child at our school, please ask them to call the office on 9306-9182, or email Fran on [email protected]. If you already have a child attending our school, and would like to enrol a sibling, we ask that you complete an enrolment form as soon as possible. For those families who do not already have a child here, to check your local school zone, please go to We are able to offer those families who are outside our school zone, an Application for waitlist, but we also suggest you enrol your child in your local school, as a position at Oak Park Primary School cannot be guaranteed. Thank you Specialist Corner News
Welcome to The Specialist Corner. We have created this section in the newsletter to keep the community informed of the great learning happening in the Specialist classrooms. We hope you enjoy the weekly updates. Art:
Visual Arts School Concert DVD Competition Over the next two weeks, students from Grades 3-6 will be involved in creating a DVD and advertising poster for the school concert, which will be held in September this year. Students will participate two art classes to make a start on their artwork, in which information and guidance with regard to the concert and their artwork will be provided. Students will then either take their artwork home to complete, or may work on it during the lunchtime session provided on Thursdays each week. Artwork for the competition is to be returned to the art room no later than the last week of Term 2. The members of the concert committee will be selecting the winning piece of artwork which will be announced at a future assembly. The student selected will receive two free concert tickets, a poster of their artwork as well as an art stationary prize. Good luck to all of the students from Grades 3 to 6! Sustainability: WASTE CHALLENGE CERES, the environmental park in Brunswick, have put up a challenge encouraging schools and their communities to reduce their waste going to landfill. They offer up a range of prizes including a RePlas ‘Buddy Bench’ (made from over 20,000 pieces of soft plastic waste) and a tour of the RePlas facility and some other amazing prizes including family sock packages from Upparel (who salvage materials and fabric to create new garments and also take old socks for recycling). All we have to do is collect materials that are not part of the recycling collections and show who we have teamed up with to have them recycled. This is easy for us, as we already collect a range of materials to distribute for recycling. Below is a list of materials we can collect, the organisation we are teaming up with and where you can drop them off at school. We hope you can help us collect these materials for us, keep them out of landfill and hopefully win some great prizes for the school! While you’re at it, check out the new recycling drop off points in the foyer!
P.E. (Physical Education):
Last Friday, the Foundation students participated in a trial PMP (Perceptual Motor Program) lesson. And it was a great success! For those who are unaware, PMP is a fun and exciting way to help young students develop their coordination, balance, fitness and locomotive skills. We will have some photos in the coming weeks of students in action. Also, students in Grades 4-6 will have District Cross Country on Wednesday 26th May at Boeing Reserve. U9/10’s will be running 2 km while u11/12/13’s will be running 3 km. I may need one or two parent helpers who could assist with supervision along the track. If you have a current WWCC and are interested, could you please email me. [email protected] Performing Arts:
Over the last few weeks Foundation students have been learning about Australian Indigenous culture through music. Students are singing the Hokey Pokey song and learning how to say different body parts in Woiwurrung language. Students were also introduced to percussion instruments. The students had a chance to play the percussion instruments while listening to traditional indigenous music. Here are some of the words we have been learning- Hand- Marnong Foot- Djinang (silent D) Bottom- Mum (pronounced moom) Body- Marram (rolling ‘r’ sound) It might be fun to practise the Hokey Pokey in Woiwurrung at home! Buddies
On Tuesday the Foundation students came to visit their Grade 6 buddies. They worked together to create these beautiful weaving designs using cardboard and wool. What shapes and angles can you see? Fresh Fruit & Breakfast Club
We will be receiving our fresh fruit and vegetables delivery on Tuesday. Our wellness captains will be delivering fresh apples and pears, along with fresh carrots to each classroom. All children are encouraged to eat fruit daily, during our brain breaks, along with drinking lots of water. We are very fortunate to have the fruit and breakfast club foods donated to our school through Foodbank. Also, we are delighted to see students regularly attend Breakfast Club, each Monday, Wednesday and Thursday morning, from 8.30-8.50am, in the staffroom. It's a great way to start the day, with a healthy breakfast and also the opportunity to chat with your friends, and even make new friends. We have many halal options on the menu, and our breakfast includes weetbix, cheerios, muesli, hot porridge, fruit cups, milo, milk and on some occasions we also supply toast. Breakfast is open for everyone and all you need to do is just 'come along.' we hope to see you there! A big thank you to our wellness captains and Helen Brown for doing a great job helping to run the programs. Interrelate
Due to the ease of COVID restrictions and the large amount of interested families, we will be able to go ahead with holding an information session, run by Interrelate. A new date has been set for term 3. The sessions will include the following:- Session 1: Where Did I Come From? Time: 6:00pm Audience: Year 3 and 4 students and their parents/carers Sessions: 1 x 60-minute session Program focus: • Discuss the male and female reproductive systems, foetal development and the birth process • Personal safety and protective behaviours. Session 2: Preparing For Puberty Time: 7:15pm Audience: Year 5 and 6 students and their parents/carers Sessions: 1 x 60-minute session Program focus: • Discuss the physical changes of puberty, emphasising that it can be different for everyone • Develop students’ understanding of periods and sperm production, as well as the physical, emotional, social and intellectual changes associated with puberty for both boys and girls • Enhance awareness of children’s personal safety and protective behaviours. Where: Oak Park Primary School When: 17th August 2021 Family cost: 1 session $35 per family | 2 sessions $35 per family Please note that this cost is GST inclusive. Information regarding payment will be sent out later this term. Payment needs to be made in order to secure your attendance to the session/s. |
The Great Book Swap
Book Fair
Year 6-7 Secondary College Transition Timeline
School Contacts