Address: Willett Avenue, Oak Park VIC 3046
T:(03) 9306 9182 E: [email protected] |
Issue 13
May 10th 2024 |
Oak Park Primary School will work collaboratively to provide a stimulating, safe and challenging learning environment that promotes resilient, innovative thinkers.
Calendar of Events
Term 2 Events:
Term 3 Events:
Term 4 Events:
Principal's Column
Wellbeing Focus - Social Emotional Learning Groups As part of our focus on Wellbeing, Oak Park continues to support students with opportunities to develop friendships and maintain good positive relationships with peers. Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) aims to help students better understand their thoughts and emotions, to become more self-aware, and to develop more empathy for others within their community and the world around them. At present, we operate small group sessions weekly with identified students. This additional instruction offers an effective method to cultivate student belonging and community, while also addressing essential skills and competencies that some students may require extra support with. These group interventions serve as valuable Tier 2 wellbeing strategy, prioritising relationship-building as a foundation for academic engagement. Our SEL groups are delivered by Kerry, our Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader along with Fabia and Lauren as Disability Inclusion Coordinators. School Council Sub Committees After our recent school council meeting, we are seeking school community members to support decision making by potentially joining a subcommittee. Subcommittees are advisory bodies to the School Council. They assist council with performing their duties and functions, and are generally established to support school council in specific areas. Subcommittee membership is open to non-school-council members: providing the opportunity for the school community to be involved in school council matters. The school council decides the purpose and terms of reference of a subcommittee has the final responsibility for decisions. It is a great way to support the school if you have a passion, interest or expertise within a specific area. A subcommittee usually meets between a school council meeting, at 3:45pm after the end of the school day. Meetings can be online or in-person. As such we are hoping to find some community members to join the proposed sub-committees below: Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) Sub-Committee This subcommittee’s role is to support school council to provide a quality and value for money OSHC service for the school community, working with members of the current provider Team Kids. Policy Development Sub-Committee The Policy Review and Development sub-committee helps develop school policies supported by Department of Education templates and to maintain oversight of the policy review timelines. Buildings and Grounds Sub-Committee The purpose of the sub-committee is to make recommendations to Council on matters relating to school buildings, grounds, landscaping, gardens and play areas. Planning working bee events and assisting on the day would also form the work of this sub-committee. If you have an interest in joining any of the above subcommittees, please email me using the link. If we get enough interested parties we can form the Sub-Committees and work together to further support School Council to make Oak Park even better. Kind regards, Michael Gill Principal |
School Tours
School Tours for prospective 2025 families are happening on the following dates, starting at 10am. 24th May, 7th Jun, & 21st Jun. April 26th and May 10th Tours are fully booked We ask parents to register to attend a school tour by emailing Fran at [email protected] 2025 Enrolments
2025 Enrolments are now open. Please email Fran at [email protected] for enrolment information. For new families to the school, please check your designated neighbourhood school at All enrolments must be submitted by Friday 26th July. Year 6-7 Transition
A reminder that Applications for Year 6-7 need to have been handed in to the Office by today, Friday 10th May Government Secondary College applications will be forwarded to the nominated Secondary College by Oak Park Primary School. Oak Park Primary School will advise families of the outcome of their Application via letter after the 17th July. Those families whose child has a confirmed enrolment at a Private or Catholic College are asked to still forward the Application noting this, into the Office by today also. Should you require any further information please contact Fran at [email protected] WHOLE SCHOOL
If your child will be arriving to school late or being picked up early, we ask parents not to note the late arrival or early departure via Compass from home. This causes a discrepancy if your child isn’t at school at the time you’ve noted and also causes concern for the school. Students arriving late MUST be signed in by a parent at the front office at the exact time that they arrive to school. Students being picked up early from school MUST be signed out by the parent at the front office, then the early departure slip to be taken to the teacher so you may collect your child. UNEXPLAINED ABSENCES: Parents have been contacted via phone, email and Compass alerts numerous times regarding their childs unexplained absences. If your child is absent from school for the day, please access Compass and note the reason why. This is a priority and much time is spent following up these absences. Should you have difficulty accessing Compass please call into the office and we will be able to assist you. SIGNING IN & OUT: We ask families to check they are signing in and out correctly. There have been instances where a student is leaving school early for an appointment but the parent has signed them in late to school in error. Parent pick up is for an early departure, Parent drop off is for a late arrival. Thanks in advance for making this a priority WHAT'S COMING UP
Professional Practice Day – Wednesday 15th May 2024
Next Wednesday 15th, is our school Professional Practice Day. This is a pupil-free day, but students that have an assessment booked, will need to come to school at that time. Please ensure you arrive on time and understand that parents do not attend the assessment or debrief with the teacher once it’s complete. Bookings are made via Compass and please note that some classes’ booking times are already filled. This means that the teacher will assess your child during the regular school week. If your child is unwell on the day and cannot make the assessment, please contact the office first thing in the morning: 9306 9182. When students attend, head straight to the classroom. They do not need to wear school uniform. If you need care for your child on the day, Team Kids will be operating. There is also a Chess Tournament taking place in the gym. Students can sign up for the tournament even if they don’t attend Chess Club on Wednesdays, they just need to know how to play! School Dental Van
The Smile Patrol Team will be coming to Oak Park Primary School to provide free dental health checks the week starting Tuesday 11th June. Information has been sent home and all bookings for your child to attend are to be made online. Smile Patrol School Dental will be attending Oak Park Primary on the 11th June 2024. If you would like your child to have a dental visit please complete the consent form here: The online forms completion deadline date is: 16th May 2024. Hard copy forms are also attached School Photo Day
School Photo day is Monday 13th May. Orders can now be made through the Compass Portal via your email link or under the 'Community' tab on Compass. Family/sibling photos are also available, and orders must be placed by 11.59pm the day before photo day. Students must wear full school uniform for photos. We ask that students who are absent due illness on this day, are not to be bought into school. ORDERS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED ON THE DAY OR VIA THE OFFICE Assembly Timetable
School Saver Bonus
Dear parents and carers, You may have seen the recent announcement of the School Saving Bonus, as part of the Victorian Budget 2024/25. We are sharing more information about how families will be able to access and use this support. This one-off support will include $400 for each eligible student to help families cover the costs of school uniforms and activities in 2025. It will be available to parents and carers of every child enrolled in a Victorian government school in 2025. Cash will not be paid directly to individuals or families. Instead, families will receive the bonus as credits on their school accounts that will help meet the costs of your children’s activities and uniforms. Existing supports: The School Saving Bonus support will be in addition to existing and continuing means-tested supports for camps, sports, excursions and uniforms. The application-based Affordable School Uniform program, through State Schools’ Relief, will continue to be available to families experiencing financial hardship or other forms of vulnerability and short-term crisis. This program allows schools to make multiple applications for support on parents' behalf throughout the year if needed. There will be more information and guidance about the School Saving Bonus in Term 3, 2024, ahead of its implementation in 2025. Premier’s Reading Challenge
National Simultaneous Storytime
On Wednesday May 22 all students at Oak Park Primary School will be participating in the National Simultaneous Storytime. Students in their grades will read this year’s book Bowerbird Blues by Aura Parker and complete a follow up activity.
National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) is held annually by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA). Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, pre-schools, family day cares, childcare centres, family homes, bookshops and many other places around the country. Now in its 24th successful year, it is a colourful, vibrant, fun event that aims to promote the value of reading and literacy, using an Australian children's book that explores age-appropriate themes, and addresses key learning areas of the National Curriculum for Foundation to Year 6. By facilitating NSS we aim to:
Kind regards, Amy Devlin Chess Tournament
Community Helpers As part of our learning about Community Helpers, we have been so lucky to have two visits from the firefighters from Pascoe Vale Fire Station. We have learnt about safe meeting spots, ‘get down low and go go go’ Mother’s Day/Special Person’s Afternoon Tea
Thank you to all the mums and special people who came for our afternoon tea yesterday. It was such a lovely afternoon to share with you! We wish you all a very happy Mother’s Day this Sunday! SPECIALISTS NEWS
Performing Arts
Oak Park’s Got Talent has begun and this lunchtime Club is as popular as ever! This Thursday we had a variety of talents of all ages, acts included dancing, singing original songs, facts about trains and jokes. All our participants had a great experience performing in front of approximately 70 audience members and it’s great to see the students watching being a mix of all ages. Performing in an informal and safe environment is such a great way for students to gain confidence and enjoyment from performing. Next week we will have talent acts from Grade Ones and Twos, I wish them the best of luck for their performances next Thursday! Physical Education
Dear Families, Apologies for confusion surrounding cross country- please note that the confirmed date for Glenroy District cross country will be Thursday 16th May (Not Wednesday 15th as originally mentioned). I am in need of at least 2-4 parent helpers to assist me on the day- if you are able to assist with course or child supervision, could you please get in touch with Liam ASAP. Kind regards Liam OPPS Cross Country Well done to all students in Grades 3-6 for competing in our OPPS cross country last week! Thank you to the parent volunteers for their assistance and encouragement. The top 8 students from each age group 10 and up go on to compete at the District Cross Country next Thursday 16th May. Age group champions: Boys 9 & Under: Oscar 3rd, Max 1st, Oliver 2nd Girls 9 & Under:
Leah 2nd, Audrey 3rd, Savina 1st Boys 10 & Under:
Alfie 1st, Archer 2nd, Kieren 3rd Girls 10 & Under:
Sophia 3rd, Georgia 1st, Evie 2nd Boys 11 & Under:
Roman 3rd, Alessandro 2nd, Hugo 1st Girls 11 & Under:
Amy 2nd, Frankie 3rd, Keira 1st Boys 12 & Under:
Curtis 3rd, Harvey 2nd, Jesse 1st Girls 12 & Under:
Scarlett 3rd, Ava 1st, Grace 2nd Japanese
This week in Japanese students are learning about the Japanese Festival Kodomo no hi. Kodomo no hi or Children’s Day is a celebration for both boys and girls on the 5th of May each year. But, before 1947, this day was celebrated as the Boy’s Festival or Tangonoseku. Today, Kodomo no hi is celebrated to wish all children happiness and health. Families fly carp streamers from flagpoles outside their house. These carp streamers are called koinobori. Koinobori traditionally symbolise strength because carp are very strong swimmers. Inside the house, in the alcove called the tokoma, children display a warrior’s helmet called a kabuto and warrior dolls called mushaningyo. Some special foods eaten on this day include, a type of rice cake wrapped in bamboo leaves called chimaki and rice balls filled with red beans and wrapped in an oak leaf called kashiwamochi. To celebrate Kodomo no hi students have enjoyed making their own origami kabuto (warrior helmets) and even Zoe thought they did a great job! Visual Arts
Benefits of Visual Arts for Children Visual arts offer numerous benefits for students at Oak Park Primary School and beyond. Below are some key advantages. Creativity Enhancement Visual arts encourage children to explore their imagination and think creatively. Through activities like drawing, painting, and making, students can express themselves in unique ways, fostering their creative thinking skills. Fine Motor Skills Development Engaging in art activities helps children refine their fine motor skills. Activities such as cutting, colouring, and manipulating materials require precise movements, which can improve dexterity and hand eye coordination. Self Expression and Communication Art provides a non verbal means for children to express themselves. It allows them to communicate feelings, ideas, and experiences that may be difficult to articulate verbally, promoting emotional intelligence and self awareness. Cultural Appreciation and Understanding Through exposure to various art forms from different cultures and historical periods, students develop an appreciation for diversity and a better understanding of the world around them. This fosters cultural empathy and tolerance. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Art encourages students to experiment, make decisions, and solve problems creatively. Whether they're figuring out how to represent a concept visually or troubleshooting issues in their artwork, they're improving their critical thinking skills. Boosts Confidence and Self Esteem Success in art projects, no matter how small, can significantly boost a child's confidence and self esteem. As they see their ideas come to life and receive positive feedback from peers and teachers, they develop a sense of pride in their abilities. Promotes Focus and Concentration Engaging in art requires concentration and attention to detail. As students immerse themselves in their artwork, they learn to focus their attention, which can translate to improved concentration in other areas of their academic and personal lives. Encourages Perseverance and Resilience Art projects often involve experimentation and revision. Students learn that setbacks are a natural part of the creative process and develop resilience as they persist in overcoming challenges to achieve their artistic goals. Enhances Visual Literacy Studying and creating visual art helps students become more visually literate. They learn to interpret and analyse visual information, such as colour, shape, and composition, which is valuable in understanding the visual world around them. Fosters Collaboration and Social Skills: Art activities often involve collaboration, whether it's working on group projects or providing feedback to peers. Through these interactions, students learn to communicate effectively, compromise, and work cooperatively as part of a team. Science In Science lessons this week our junior scientists have been enjoying experimenting with push and pull forces. The foundation grades participated in a hands-on, shared experience to identify how they use push and pull forces when they play. They experimented using play equipment and observed partners moving, making a record of their observations, and discussing questions related to movement. The grade 1s and 2s used various pieces of equipment to explore our big question “What different ways can we push or pull a toy car to make it move from one place to another?”. They used items such as string, tape, straws, cardboard, rubber bands, blocks, balloons, magnets and cotton reels. They worked in small collaborative learning teams to explore and find unique ways to push and pull the toy car. An exciting week of exploration inside and outside the Science room! |
Community News
Victoria Police Sentiment Survey
The Rotary Club of Pascoe Vale, in conjunction with The University of Melbourne Departments of Audiology and Speech Pathology, Optometry and Vision Sciences, will be running Free children's Hearing and Vision tests for children between the ages of 3.5 - 7 years. A project that we have run successfully over many years. When: Saturday 4th. May 2024 9.00am till 4.00pm *Due to continued COVID concerns only one family member to accompany the child please* Where: Pascoe Vale Primary School 411-429 Reynard St, Pascoe Vale South Off-street parking available. Bookings: Bookings open 9.00am Thursday 25th. April 2024 On average, one third of children tested required further consultation or treatment. Early intervention and identification can have a significant positive impact on a child’s education. Scouts Victoria
School Contacts