Address: Willett Avenue, Oak Park VIC 3046
T:(03) 9306 9182 E: [email protected] |
Issue 28
September 6th 2024 |
Oak Park Primary School will work collaboratively to provide a stimulating, safe and challenging learning environment that promotes resilient, innovative thinkers.
Calendar of Events
Term 3 Events:
Term 4 Events:
Principal's Column
Thanks to the SES and the Community
Following the recent strong winds and storms, our school sustained some damage, including a shade sail, several trees and multiple fences. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to the SES for their swift assistance in cutting and moving fallen branches, and to our neighbours for their cooperation in addressing the fence damage.
We appreciate the community’s ongoing support as we work together to ensure the safety and upkeep of our school. CERES Native Garden Project We would like to express our heartfelt thanks for the opportunity to participate in the Schools for Wildlife Program with CERES. Our students have thoroughly enjoyed the hands-on experience of designing and creating a wildlife-friendly garden. It has not only helped them develop a deeper connection with nature but also instilled in them a sense of environmental stewardship that will remain with them for years to come. Through this program, our Year 5/6 students and Sustainability Leaders have gained valuable knowledge about supporting local wildlife, building habitats, and creating sustainable environments. The impact has been both educational and inspiring for our entire school community. We are grateful for the support and resources provided by CERES and look forward to continuing our journey in fostering wildlife-friendly spaces at our school. Reminder – Final Day of Term September 20th – 12:30 Finish Just a reminder that our final day of school this term finishes early at 12:30PM. Staff are contributing around 8 additional hours of worktime to ensure our musical comes to life and are repaid this time via reduced meeting times during the term and this slight reduction to the length of the final day in term. Thanks to School Council for their support and understanding to support staff and the workload of an amazing musical. Team Kids will have after school care available from 12:30 PM on this day – thanks for their follow up and flexibility. Kind regards, Michael Gill Principal WHAT'S HAPPENING @ OAK PARK
School Concert
School Concert USB Orders
School Concert USB order forms have been sent home. Please note there is an error in the date these orders must be returned by. The correct date for them to be given into the office is WEDNESDAY 18TH SEPTEMBER. Both nights of the concert will be available on the USB and will cost $40 each. Please return your forms to the office School Concert Clothing Items Clothing items required for school concert- PLEASE READ Oak Park Primary School will provide most costume items, yet we do require basic garments to be worn underneath costumes. These basic garments are usually items students already wear to school or we predict most students already have. We request these clothing items to be labelled and given to your child's teacher no later than Monday 9th September. We require these items to be at school so we can have our full dress rehearsal and also have these items ready at the Clocktower for the concert nights. All items will be given back to students after the concert. List is attached and also on the school website under "Parent Information" > "Concert 2024". Students wear school uniforms on both nights of the concert to the Clocktower Centre venue. This allows our staff and Clocktower staff to easily identify our students during sign in and sign out in the foyer. Long hair to be in a neat ponytail unless otherwise specified. 2025 Foundation Transition
We are looking forward to welcoming parents/guardians of our 2025 Foundation students to our Foundation transition sessions next term. During these sessions your child will get to meet one of our 2024 Foundation teachers, participate in some activities in the classrooms and meet some of their 2024 peers. Please see attached our timeline including the dates, times and important information for our 3 transition sessions as well as our final ‘Meet the Teacher’ session. If you already have a child at Oak Park Primary School and you will be enrolling that child's sibling for 2025, but have not yet completed an enrolment form, please email Fran to complete an enrolment form as soon as possible. [email protected] You may also collect a form from the office. WHOLE SCHOOL
Unexplained absences
If you have received an email regarding your child's unexplained absence, we request that you sign into Compass as a matter of urgency to update the reason your child was absent from school. There are numerous students will a great many of these unexplained absences, and it is a requirement that families notify the school.
Assembly Timetable
School Saving Bonus
Information You may have seen the recent announcements of the School Saving Bonus, as part of the Victorian Budget 2024/25. We are sharing the information we know about when and how families will be able to access this support. Eligibility The School Saving Bonus is available to parents and carers of every child enrolled in a government school. It is a one-off support of $400 to assist with school costs. If your child attends a government school, you do not need to apply or do anything to receive the School Saving Bonus; the funds will be provided to your child’s school. If you are a parent or carer of more than one child, you will receive the $400 School Saving Bonus credit for each child. It will be available to families in 2025 and will be in addition to existing and continuing means-tested supports for camps, sports, excursions and uniforms (CSEF and State Schools Relief). How families will receive the School Saving Bonus Cash will not be paid directly to individuals or families (or paid in cash to families from schools), it will be received as a credit on their school family account to help meet the cost of activities and uniforms. The Department of Education is working on the implementation of the school saving bonus and further information and guidance will be provided to schools and families soon, ahead of the implementation in 2025. Lunch Orders
Please note, Lunch orders MUST be ordered via the QKR App by 11am Thursday each week. There have been many late lunch orders being passed in via the office or directly to Sweet Karma, which doesn’t allow time to ensure there is sufficient catering. Once 11am Thursday passes we are unable to accept any further lunch orders. When you order a lunch order, you will get an email confirmation. If you do not receive this email confirmation, then your lunch order has not gone through. Students have also been advising that they didn’t receive their ordered lunch, when in fact, Sweet Karma has no record of that order. Office staff will call families in future to follow up. There will be NO LUNCH ORDERS available on the last day of the Term, Friday 20th September 2024 Parent/Caregiver Opinion Survey
The 2024 Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey has been extended until the end of term3, Friday 20th September. We would ask that all families who were invited to participate, please do so at your earliest convenience Trivia Night Fundraiser
Bring family & friends for what I’m sure will be a fun night! Form a team to compete for victory whilst raising funds for Oak Park Primary School. $10 per person entry @ Oak Park Community Sports Club. P.F.A News
MEETINGS: Below are the PFA meeting dates for the reminder of the year to put in your diary! Meetings start at 7.30 pm and are held in the staffroom at the school. All are welcome to attend. Term 4 Tuesday 8 October Tuesday 12 November Tuesday 3 December (mtg/end-of-year celebration) Wear It Purple Day
Team Kids
Team Kids have another amazing Spring Holiday program planned! Come along and experience the TeamKids difference.
Inquiry Open Classroom
On Friday 7th of September at 3:15pm we would like to invite you to view our model of Oak Park Primary school. During this time the Grade 1 classrooms will be open for you to view our Inquiry learning for term 3. This Term we have been looking at our local community and features within it e.g., the roads, streets, landmarks etc. We then used this knowledge and located places on maps and took a walk around the school to aid us in the drawing a map of OPPS. We have applied our understanding to design and create a 3D model of the school. We hope to see you there. Thank you The Grade 1 Team. SENIOR SCHOOL
Grade 6 to Year 7 Orientation Days
Tuesday 10th December 2024 & Wednesday 11th December 2024. Further information will be forwarded to families from the Secondary Colleges SPECIALIST
Visual Arts
MOANA Junior School Competition Moana Junior School Concert Grade 3-6 Poster Competition Thank you so much to the students that entered this year’s concert poster competition. There were a lot of entries from the 9 classes that participated in the event. It was a difficult challenge to pick ten posters to make the finalist list for school staff to vote on, but we got there with some healthy debate about which designs should be in the top ten. All school staff voted with a 3, 2 and 1 point system for their favourite 3 posters, that were on display in the staffroom. We used an online voting system and eventually we had a winner for the competition after a week or so of staff voting. The winning design was created by Alex T from Grade 5/6C. Alex will receive two free concert tickets, a poster sized copy of her poster (laminated) and a large pencil case full of art supplies. A huge congratulations to Alex and all of the finalists, as well as all who entered this year’s concert poster competition. This competition always showcases the amazing artistic talents that the students have at Oak Park Primary School. Below is the artwork of the top 10 finalists. Look out at the school concert for these awesome works of art! Japanese
In Japanese the Grade 1/2’s have been learning all about pets. Students have been learning how to say the names of different animals in Japanese as well as being able to recognize the words in hiragana and kanji. We have been playing a range of games to help us remember the names and students have had lots of opportunities to practice aloud. Students have also enjoyed learning how to write the animal names in hiragana and kanji and they are doing an amazing job when practicing these new characters. As the term progresses students will be learning to describe their pets including their name, colour and age. We have also had Zoe join us to learn some Japanese! The students have really enjoyed having Zoe in their classes and Zoe has been making herself at home in amongst all of the activities. Chess Tournament
Community News
Oak Park Saints Basketball
Oak Park Saints Cricket Club
Essendon Baseball Club
Gymnastics Holiday Program
Pilates Classes
School Contacts