Address: Willett Avenue, Oak Park VIC 3046
T:(03) 9306 9182 E: [email protected] |
Issue 1
January 31st 2025 |
Oak Park Primary School will work collaboratively to provide a stimulating, safe and challenging learning environment that promotes resilient, innovative thinkers.
Calendar of Events
Term 1 Events: February 2025
Principal's Column
Smooth Start to 2025! Welcome back to a new school year! It has been fantastic to see students begin 2025 with such enthusiasm and positivity. Our Year 1 to Year 6 students have had a brilliant first week, settling into their new classrooms with excitement. It’s been wonderful to reconnect with familiar faces and hear students eagerly sharing their holiday adventures. We are excited to welcome our new Foundation students on Monday, February 3rd, for their first official day of school. We know they will show great resilience as they begin their learning journey. A big thank you in advance to the Parents and Friends Association for hosting the ‘Tea and Tears’ welcome event and to the Foundation team for their thorough preparation for Day 1. We also officially welcomed five new teachers Demi Filippatos, Michael Roach, Dilara Yilmaz, Sarah Morris, Nicola Holmes and two new Education Support staff, Pinar Gulenc and Allison Penno. All have begun the year with enthusiasm, enjoying their work with our wonderful students. We’re looking forward to a fantastic year ahead! Pictured below is our Dance Club already in action! Thanks for the enthusiasm Performing Arts Captains Uniforms – Please support consistency
We would like to take this opportunity to remind both parents and students about the uniform expectations at Oak Park Primary School. We have noticed that some incorrect uniform items have been creeping in, so would like to start the year with some clear expectations. Some of the common inconsistencies are:
As per the uniform policy, if uniform inconsistencies are frequent, you may receive a written notice from the school. We appreciate your cooperation to keep uniforms consistent, they assist with school pride, promote a sense of belonging and eliminate fashion pressure. Student Communication & Smart Watches A reminder to all families that any messages for students during school hours must go through the school office. This ensures minimal disruptions to learning and allows us to manage communication effectively. We also ask that all smart watches have notifications turned off during school hours. If a device is misused, as outlined in our User Agreement, the student will be required to leave their device at home for a week. Thank you for your support in maintaining a focused and distraction-free learning environment. Team Newsletters to arrive shortly Our Team Leaders will send term newsletters to families in Week 3 via Compass. These newsletters outline important dates, contact details and the curriculum to expect this term. Teams are using the same template this year to further consistency and keep the newsletter to a friendly two-page document. Kind regards, Michael Gill Principal WHAT'S HAPPENING @ OAK PARK
Assembly Timetable
Late Arrivals/Early Departures
Welcome back to 2025, especially to our new families. With regards to dropping your child late to school or picking up early: If you are dropping your child off late to school, we ask that parents/guardians bring them in via the office to sign in on the ipad to the right of the office window. You are required to bring your child into school when late, as it is unsafe to just drop them at the gate or drive through once the bell has rung. This also allows the exact time of arrival to be input. The receipt then given will need to be passed to your childs teacher. If you need to pick up your child early from school for an appointment or if ill, please do not go straight to the classroom. Once again, you are required to come into the office and sign your child out. You then take that slip to the classroom to pick up your child. Your child cannot be sent to the office to wait for a parent to pick them up early. Please do not sign in late, or complete an early departure from home via Compass. This is done from school at the time you are actually arriving or departing the school ABSENCES: Compass allows parents/guardians to notify the school of your childs absence. We would ask that you please attend to this each day your child will be absent, as this stops you from receiving a notification that your child is not at school and has an unexplained absence. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to the office for further information. Thank you for your assistance regarding any absences MIDDLE SCHOOL NEWS
This week in grade 3/4 we have been getting used to our new routines with new friends and our new teachers. We have had so much fun in every subject area! In maths we explored a range of materials that we can use to solve problems. Take a look at all the creative things we did we these fun maths resources!
Grade 6 polo tops and bomber jackets are arriving at school. If there are any issues with sizing etc, please contact the uniform supplier direct. A Plus 03 9354 8345
Welcome to 2025!
A very warm welcome back to all of our families as we kick off the 2025 school year! The Specialist Team is excited to be working with your children again, and we can’t wait for another year of learning, creativity, and growth. For our Foundation families and new students, we have included our photos in this newsletter so that your children can start to recognise our faces before our classes begin next week. Each week, our Specialist Teachers will be sharing updates on the exciting activities happening in our lessons. We encourage you to read these updates so you can stay informed about what your child is experiencing in their specialist subjects. We’re thrilled to be part of your child’s learning journey and look forward to a wonderful year ahead! Warm regards, The Specialist Team Community News
Glenroy Festival 2025 – Expressions of Interest are now open!
Glenroy Festival will be taking over Glenroy Community Hub and Bridget Shortell Reserve, Glenroy on Sunday 4 May from 11am to 3pm with a celebration of performance, community, food, art and music. Expressions of Interest are now open for community groups, schools, artists and performers, creative people and local businesses keen to be involved. We are looking for:
To learn more about Glenroy Festival visit our webpage Glenroy Festival ( Australian Girls Choir
Ace Fun Tennis School
School Contacts