Address: Willett Avenue, Oak Park VIC 3046
T:(03) 9306 9182 E: [email protected] |
Issue 20
June 28th 2024 |
Oak Park Primary School will work collaboratively to provide a stimulating, safe and challenging learning environment that promotes resilient, innovative thinkers.
Calendar of Events
Term 2 Events:
Term 3 Events:
Term 4 Events:
Principal's Column
Celebrating Student Achievements: Thank You for Attending Student-Led Conferences
We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who attended the student-led conferences to celebrate the achievements and learning of our students in Semester 1. A special thank you to our dedicated parents, teachers, and students for their active participation and support. Your involvement is crucial in fostering a strong learning community. We also appreciate Team Kids for their excellent support, ensuring the day ran smoothly with their service. Thank you all for making this event a success and for your continued commitment to our students' education. Yellow House Celebration! Twice in a row! To celebrate Air House (Yellow House) winning the school values token challenge for Term 1 and Term 2, we provided a sausage sizzle for all students in Air House (Yellow House) on Thursday. Congratulations again to Air House (Yellow House) for winning twice in a row and earning the most tokens for displaying the values of Respect, Resilience, and Responsibility. Next term, our upcoming Athletics Carnival, Ride and Stride points and values tokens will all contribute to the results – there’s so many ways to be healthy and display school values to support your school house. Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) - Building a national picture of child health From July 2024, our school, along with thousands of others across the country, will participate in the Australian Early Development Census (AEDC). The AEDC is a teacher-completed census (similar to a questionnaire) which provides a comprehensive picture of how children have developed by the time they start their first year of full-time school. The AEDC is an Australian Government Initiative and is completed nationally every three years. Children don’t miss any class time while the AEDC is completed, and parents/carers don’t need to supply schools with any new information. The data collected through the AEDC is used by schools, communities and governments to better understand children and families’ needs, and identify the services, resources and support they need. AEDC data is reported at a school, community, state/territory and national level. AEDC results for individual children are not reported and the AEDC is not used as an individual diagnostic tool. Some teachers have found that completing the AEDC made them more aware of the needs of individual children and their class, and that the data was useful for planning for transitions to Year 1 and developing programs. Participation in the AEDC is voluntary, however the AEDC relies on all schools with children in their first year of full-time school participating in the collection. Parents/carers don’t need to take any action unless they choose not to include their children in the census. To find out more about the AEDC and how it is being used to help children and families visit: If you do not consent to the collection of your child's information, please contact Michael Gill via email [email protected], before 15th of July, 2024 and no information about your child will be collected. Kind regards, Michael Gill Principal ENROLMENT & TRANSITION INFORMATION
2025 Enrolments
2025 Enrolments are now open. Please call the school on 9306-9182 or email [email protected] for enrolment information. For new families to the school, please check your designated neighbourhood school at Should you reside outside the school zone you are welcome to complete an ‘Application for Enrolment’ to be placed on our waitlist. Year 6-7 Transition
Oak Park Primary School will advise families of the outcome of their Application via letter after the 17th July. WHOLE SCHOOL
Assembly Timetable
School Concert
Concert helpers are needed, please read the Performing Arts section of the newsletter for details.
Thank you! NAIDOC Week
NAIDOC Week - Sustainability Crew
Colouring Competition
Grade 5/6 Expo
This Monday the 5/6s had an Inquiry Expo. They got to show parents and 3/4s their wonderful work! For Inquiry the 5/6s got to go to the Immigration Museum, create a family tree, and interview someone who had immigrated. Then they wrote a historical narrative on the topic they chose! Here are some photos of some of the 5/6s amazing work! Written by Grace and Scarlett from 5/6A Let’s hear more comments about our Expo… “I loved seeing else’s creativity for their Inquiry” – Keira, 5/6A “I liked seeing everyone dress up in their amazing characters” – Aiden, 5/6D “I liked using my beautiful voice to show people my beautiful story” – Abdul, 5/6D “I liked my mum being there and seeing my work” – Arlo, 5/6T “I liked learning about migration and learning about history” – Nikki, 5/6M “I liked getting dressed up and showing the parents our work” – Harvey, 5/6T SPECIALIST
Performing Arts
This week in Performing Arts all grades learnt the finale song for Moana Jnr “We Know the Way’. Students are understanding the cultures represented in Moana Jnr and are learning words and phrases in the two languages that are sung in the musical, which are Samoan and Tokelauan. Moana JR. is a celebration of the cultures and peoples of the Pacific Islands, inspired by their shared history of ancient wayfinding and exploration. The creators of Moana went to great lengths to develop this musical in respectful conversation with diverse experts from across Oceania so that its representation of culture could be both accurate and celebrated by Pacific Islanders and non-Pacific Islanders alike. Oak Park P.S have been provided with both general and specific guidelines for our production to ensure we responsibly represent the people of the Pacific Islands. We can’t wait to learn more about the Pacific Islander culture through songs and dances while rehearse next term. Moana Jnr- Cast announcement Today students from Grade 5/6l found out who received a role in our production of Moana Jnr! It is an exciting moment for those who receive roles! Twelve teachers have been involved in the audition process, following a rubric (point system) while watching auditions and all auditions were filmed to ensure multiple teachers could have input in the process. There were many factors to consider and the teachers have done an excellent job deciding the cast. Our aim for this production is to ensure we have given the maximum number of roles; the cast is doubled to ensure as many students as possible receive a role. If you child does not receive a role, please support them by encouraging them to practise resilience and continue to put their names down for future roles/experiences. It may be a wonderful opportunity to discuss options for drama classes outside of school if your child feels passionately about drama. Please note- Students who are offered a role will bring home a note that needs to be signed by a parent/carer. We need to ensure your child has the time outside of school to learn lines and practise songs with someone at home, at school they will rehearse during 2-3 lunchtime during Term 3 so it’s important that your child understands the time commitment. Congratulations to the cast! Physical Education
Dear Families, I am pleased to announce that the Girls Netball team has won their grand final! And they will seek to take their talents to the Regional Competition (date TBD). The girls completed the season undefeated (we won’t count the week we had off due to a curriculum day) and were dominant from start to finish. Congratulations to Pippa, Emma, Nicole, Grace, Keira, Maisie, April, Jayda and Ronida for an outstanding season! And I would like to extend a sincere thank you to Mariam who helped to umpire and coach the girls along their path to victory. I’d also like to shout out a few of the boys from Oak Park FC on reaching 50 games. Congratulations Leo, Lachy and Xavier on your career so far, I am eagerly awaiting to see your teams compete in finals this year! Science
What an exciting term of science for our junior scientists. They have all worked so hard and learned new things. Our physics units have provided our Foundation, Grade 1 and Grade 2 students with many engaging and hands-on activities. We have explored, played and built. This week the Foundations students completed an experiment to test how different surfaces effect how fast a toy car can roll. They made predictions, measured the outcomes and recorded their results. It was wonderful to see them working so well together. Over the last two weeks the Grade 1s and 2s have put their theoretical learning about simple machines into practise, building their own Rube Goldberg machines. Simple machines are generally used to make work easier. In a Rube Goldberg machine, the aim is to do a simple task in a more complicated way. They have had to create push and pull forces, combining interesting materials to make complicated chain reactions. They have all shown incredible creativity and resilience while building their machines. Visual Arts
Moana Junior School Concert Poster Competition Our school concert spectacular Moana Junior is fast approaching. It’s time for students from Grades 3-6 to get their creative wizardry fired up, to create a poster that represents all things Moana Junior. Students will be given the opportunity to begin their designs during art lessons in the final week of Term 2. After this time, students will take home their ideas to put onto paper over the school holidays, and the first 3 weeks of Term 3. Artwork entries for the competition are due back to David (OPPS Art teacher) no later than Friday the 2nd of August. Guidelines for students to keep in mind when creating their posters
Competition PRIZE The winner receives 2 free concert tickets, a poster sized copy of their artwork (laminated) and a large pencil case full of art supplies. Please forward any questions to David Flint (OPPS Art Teacher) via email. Good luck to all students that enter the competition. |
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