Address: Willett Avenue, Oak Park VIC 3046
T:(03) 9306 9182 E: [email protected] |
Issue 33
October 25th 2024 |
Oak Park Primary School will work collaboratively to provide a stimulating, safe and challenging learning environment that promotes resilient, innovative thinkers.
Calendar of Events
Term 4 Events: November 2024
December 2024
2025 Term 1 Events: January 2025
Principal's Column
Transition has been a focus this week, for both ends of the school. Early in the week we had a visit from Strathmore Secondary College to prepare our Grade 6 students for their move, and today we had our new Foundation students visit for their first transition session. It’s an exciting time of the year for most, but we are mindful that change can be a difficult time for many students. We are continuing to improve our supports in this area but please reach out if your child is experiencing any anxiety in this area.
Writer’s Festival Wednesday 6th November is a BIG day on our Term 4 calendar as we have our Writer’s Festival launch in the morning, followed by our Colour Run fundraiser in the afternoon. This is how the day is planned: Wednesday 6th November 2024 9:10am Assembly in the gym (all welcome) to open the Writer’s Festival A student from each class will be selected to read their work 10:30am Assembly concludes, families are invited to stay and view work 11:10am -12:10pm Lunch time 12:10pm Colour Fun Run Begins 12:30pm Grade 1 students complete Colour Fun Run 12:45pm Foundation students run 1:00pm Grade 2 students run 1:15pm Grade 3/4 students run 1:35pm Grade 5/6 students run 1:55pm Grade 6 final run 2:00pm Colour Fun Run concludes 70th Celebrations We regret to inform you that due to lower than anticipated numbers, we have decided to cancel the official 70th Anniversary Alumni Celebration event. However, we will still be warmly opening the doors until 6:00pm on Friday 8th November for anyone who would like to visit, enjoy the Writers Festival work, and explore the school's memorabilia. We will begin to create an Oak Park Alumni Facebook group (link will be provided in separate Compass note later this term) to keep you informed about future events. We are also planning ahead for a larger 75th Alumni Celebration and will share updates as they develop. We appreciate your understanding and hope to see you there to celebrate our rich history in a smaller, but equally meaningful way. Thank you for your continued support! Kind regards, Sally Morath Acting Principal WHAT'S HAPPENING @ OAK PARK
Assembly Timetable
Important Announcement 70th Anniversary
We regret to inform you that due to lower than anticipated numbers we have decided to cancel the official 70th Anniversary Alumni Celebration event. However, we will still be warmly opening the doors until 6:00 PM for anyone who would like to visit, enjoy the Writers Festival work, and explore the school's memorabilia. We will begin to create an Oak Park Alumni Facebook group (link will be provided in separate Compass note later this term) to keep you informed about future events. We are also planning ahead for a larger 75th Alumni Celebration and will share updates as they develop. We appreciate your understanding and hope to see you there to celebrate our rich history in a smaller, but equally meaningful way. Thank you for your continued support! No Hat/No Play
A reminder for all that hats are compulsory during Term 4 as UV levels are high and we should all be sun-safe. Should a student not be wearing a hat, they will be restricted to being undercover. Hats are not available at school for students to borrow, but we have a limited supply for purchase at $6 each. Should you need to purchase a hat, please come to the office. Students Leaving If your child will no longer be attending Oak Park Primary School in 2025 (other than Grade 6 students) please advise the office and your class teacher as soon as possible. Staff are now in the process of planning for 2025, so this information is crucial to that planning. You may also email Fran at [email protected] School Uniform
Recently there has been a number of students out of the correct uniform, not complying with our school's uniform policy. We have noticed a large number of students wearing long hair out of a ponytail, wearing incorrect shoes, bike shorts, different coloured pants, shorts and jumpers. We have also seen students wearing make up and acrylic nails. In the policy I will highlight a few important areas: - Under the department of Education and Training acknowledgments, it states that having the uniform policy allows 'all students to feel equal' and ensures 'all students are dressed safely and appropriately for school activities. - incorrect shoes and long nails fall under these acknowledgements. - Under the school 'Guidelines' it states; 8. All students are required to wear appropriate sports uniform when representing the school in inter-school sport and appropriate footwear during Physical Education classes. 9. Thongs and open toed footwear are not permitted. 10. No jewellery other than ear studs/small loops and/or watches is permitted. 11. All students with shoulder length or longer hair, are required to have it tied back. Head lice are spread through head-to-head contact. The Victorian Government’s Better Health Channel recommends tying long hair back to help prevent head lice. For further information on this, see Appendix B. 12. Only clear nail polish is allowed. 13. Students are not permitted to wear make-up. If you continue reading page 4 & 5 of the document it will provide you with details of what students can wear and where to find them, it also states that you are able to receive financial support the cost of your child's uniform if eligible. The policy also states that the 'Principal has the authority to grant exemptions from the policy where a parent can demonstrate a particular health problem, religious, cultural or other relevant issue in relation to the wearing of the School Uniform' AND 'Parents and/or Carers must contact the principal when seeking an exemption from any aspect of this policy.' If you have any questions or concerns about the above, please contact your child's teacher and we will be happy to discuss this with you. Thank you for your support, 5/6 Team Fun Run Challenge
PFA News: Fun Run Update – This week’s competition Congrats to classes FD, 1W, 3/4J and 5/6D for having the most profiles in the first week of fundraising! They will all receive icy poles and their class will run first in their cohort on the day. For every $5000 raised we will be colour bombing a teacher on Fun Run day! We have hit $7,564 – but how many teachers will be colour bombed by today, Friday 25 October? Can we reach $10,000 by then? Also, every student who has raised over $100 by Friday 25 October has gone into a random draw to be 1 of 10 students to win a $10 canteen voucher, to be drawn at assembly. Let’s see what we can do this week when you all share your profiles with family and friends! Anzac Appeal
“We Will Remember Them” A reminder that every day before and after school, students will be selling (on behalf of Glenroy RSL) poppies in various forms to raise funds. They will be selling these near the 5/6 area from approximately 8:30am until 8:45, and then after school from 3.30 – 3.45pm. 2025 Foundation Transition
We are looking forward to welcoming parents/guardians of our 2025 Foundation students to our Foundation transition sessions next term. During these sessions your child will get to meet one of our 2024 Foundation teachers, participate in some activities in the classrooms and meet some of their 2024 peers. Please see attached our timeline including the dates, times and important information for our 3 transition sessions as well as our final ‘Meet the Teacher’ session. If you already have a child at Oak Park Primary School and you will be enrolling that childs sibling for 2025, but have not yet completed an enrolment form, please email Fran to complete an enrolment form as soon as possible. [email protected] You may also collect a form from the office Zooper Doopers
It's that time of year again, the weather is warming up! So Zooper Doopers are BACK and started this week. They will be sold every Tuesday and Thursday at the start of lunchtime. Please bring $1 to purchase a delicious Zooper Dooper and help raise money for our fundraising team. Thank you in advance Kate, Rachel and the Year 6 Fundraising Team P.F.A. News
MEETINGS: Below are the PFA meeting dates for the reminder of the year to put in your diary! Meetings start at 7.30 pm and are held in the staffroom at the school. All are welcome to attend. Term 4 Tuesday 12 November Tuesday 3 December (mtg/end-of-year celebration) Great Cycle Challenge
Cycling Fundraiser – Go Shardy! One of our wonderful Year 6 students is participating in the Great Cycle Challenge for the sixth year in a row. A message below from Shardy and brother Sharky about their participation supporting a very worthy cause. If you’re interested in donating please use the link below. This October, Fernando Brothers is taking part in the Great Cycle Challenge to fight kids' cancer! Because right now, cancer is the largest single killer of children from disease in Australia – over 600 children are diagnosed with cancer every year and sadly, 3 die every week. Kids should be living life, not fighting for it. And so, we are riding and raising funds to support the Children's Medical Research Institute to continue their work into the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and finding a cure for childhood cancer. Please support our challenge by making a donation through our fundraising page to give these kids the brighter futures they deserve. Together, we can save little lives. Thanks for your support. Sharkya and Shardy Get on board, help spread the word, and donate JUNIOR SCHOOL
17th October 2024
The Hip Hop was so much fun as we learnt new moves and then got eat pizza, a Zooper Dooper and lots of fruit! – Eva H Some of the boys were being silly at Sleepover and yelling but the teachers told them to stop. We got to have a tower building contest which was so cool and my group came second. – Elliott F I am glad I had my toy next to me at the Sleepover as it was a dark corner. The next day we got to watch movies and eat popcorn and lollipops in our classrooms! – Harper W It rained at the 1/2 Fun night which was annoying, but we got to stay dry in the gym. I ate lots of pizza and as much fruit as I wanted as the teachers wanted it finished. At the sleepover, it wasn’t quiet but it was a lot of fun. – Joe G The best part about Sleepover was the breakfast next day. I ate ten toasts with butter. – Arish M-F I loved the Hip Hop disco. I chose my outfit before I came and then got to dance in a circle and do a ‘cool walk’ in front of everyone. It was fun! – Scarlett B The Hip Hop dance moves were fun to do and the music was cool. – Nimrat T I loved the Zooper Doopers! It was really hard to get to sleep because everyone was talking. - May C I liked the costumes at the Hip Hop disco because they were cool. I liked how we had to put on attitude on our face. - Wren M I didn’t sleep till 2am! I liked the gloves at the Hip Hop but I did not want to dance. - Zayd B I did kind of get to sleep at the Sleepover. But I woke some kids up and other kids woke me up! Noah B We got to make tall towers out of newspapers at the Sleepover. Zooper Doopers were fun - Metka H I ate 5 slices of pizza! - Oguzhan B We got to choose clothes for the Hip Hop night which was fun. - Zoe K SENIOR SCHOOL
Life Skills
This term our 5/6 students have started our Life Skills program! These sessions have a focus on transitions - managing change, while also building on core personal capabilties required to be healthy, emotionally responsive and resilient young adults. Last week our focus was on showing respect to ourselves and others, and this week we played games that focused on honesty and integrity. The students get so much from these lessons, which include a range of fun games, activities and explicit teaching. If you see a grade 5/6 student - ask them how they have showed respect and honesty this week! 2025 Grade 6 Uniforms
A reminder that orders for the Grade 6/2025 uniform polo tops and bomber jackets, MUST be received at school by Friday 8th November. NO LATE ORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED SPECIALIST
Physical Education - Cricket Gala Day
If your child is interested in playing or you would like to help volunteer to coach/supervise in this tournament, please get in touch with me! Venue: J P Fawkner Reserve (awaiting council confirmation) Date: Friday 1st November 2024 Basic Outline:
Performing Arts
Moana JNR USB Orders Coming Home Today!
We’re excited to announce that the Moana JNR USB orders will be sent home with students today, Friday, 25th October. Students who had speaking roles in the production were given a sneak peek of the show and celebrated their performances together as a cast. It was wonderful to see them support each other and enjoy one final fun event as a group. With popcorn, treats, and a lot of excitement, we celebrated all the magic of Moana JNR. We hope your families enjoy watching our production this weekend and treasure it for many years to come! Science
In Science this week, students have spent some time finding out more about light and its properties. We focused on building our understanding of primary and secondary sources of light, learnt about how light travels, and discussed the importance of light in our world. We expanded our understanding of shadows and how they are formed. Students also explored how our eyes detect light and how we process this information to build perception and meaning. It was wonderful to see all the senior scientists engage with this lesson and particularly great to listen to their questions and wonderings about light. We then used ‘peep boxes’ to explore how we see objects and created ray diagrams to show how light travels through a peek box.
We cannot wait to get this PARTY started! 🎉 We're in for a FAB-BOO-LOUS treat as we CELEBRATE Halloween with a SCARILY COOL party 👻 It's going to be a SPOOK-TACULAR day full of FUN Halloween-themed activities 🎃 BOOK NOW 👉 Community News
School Contacts