Address: Willett Avenue, Oak Park VIC 3046
T:(03) 9306 9182 E: [email protected] |
Issue 31
October 11th 2024 |
Oak Park Primary School will work collaboratively to provide a stimulating, safe and challenging learning environment that promotes resilient, innovative thinkers.
Calendar of Events
Term 4 Events: October 2024
November 2024
December 2024
2025 Term 1 Events: January 2025
Principal's Column
What an amazing start we’ve had to Term 4! Swimming has been a success this week with the indoor pool being a welcomed change when the weather was disappointing on Monday. The Swimming in Schools initiative is designed for students to learn how to swim, and ensure they develop lifelong skills in swimming and water safety. It’s been great to hear reports that students are improving each lesson.
Staff have been digging through the OPPS archives in preparation for our 70th Celebrations planned for Friday November 8th, 2024. There’s been plenty of laughter looking through old staff photos and all will be on display at our upcoming Alumni event. We joked about recreating the Swimming Champion photo below, but thought we might struggle to get students to pose for a photo in their bathers. Is it even appropriate to ask students to pose for a photo in their bathers these days? Well, below you can see they were all happy to pose for Kate on Wednesday - in the water! Oak Park Swimming Champions 1969
Oak Park Swimming Champions 2024
Celebrating 70 years of Oak Park
As mentioned, we have some fantastic events planned this term to celebrate our 70th Birthday. Our celebrations begin in Week 5 with our Writer’s Festival on Wednesday 6th November. Students have been working on a piece of writing with the theme being, ‘Celebrating Oak Park.’ The festival will be launched at a whole-school assembly on the Wednesday morning and the community is welcome to attend. The festival will be followed by the Colour Fun Run after lunch. On Friday 8th November, OPPS alumni are invited to come and catch up with old friends and share memories. The celebration will begin at 7pm, and there will be school memorabilia, artefacts and photos showcasing the school’s history. Work from our Writer’s Festival will also be on display. This is strictly an adult only event, and all attendees must be over 18 years. Light refreshments will be provided and drinks available to purchase. You are welcome to share the event on social media and we ask that everyone RSVPs via the Eventbrite link on the invite below. Class Placements for 2025
As we begin to draft our new classes for 2025, there are several factors that will be carefully considered. In each new class, teachers will aim to ensure that there is a balance of academic capabilities, social competencies, behavioural traits and inclusion needs. In addition to these factors, our teachers also consider each child’s nominated friends to ensure that every child is matched to at least one friend that supports their learning. (Please note that the peers/friends are not listed in any preferential order, and it is explained to all students). As you can appreciate this is a very complex task, especially considering our total school enrolment of around 410 students. Please be assured that all of these factors are carefully considered. Like you, we want to ensure that we establish the best learning opportunities for all of our students. Given the rigour in this process, we ask that parents refrain from requesting friendship groupings and specific named teacher preferences, unless there are extenuating circumstances that we may not be aware of which may potentially impact on a child’s placement. If you believe that extenuating circumstances exist in regards to your child’s placement in 2025, please provide these details via email at [email protected] by Friday 25th October 2024. Kind regards, Sally Morath Acting Principal WHAT'S HAPPENING @ OAK PARK
Assembly Timetable
No Hat/No Play
A reminder for all that hats are compulsory during Term 4 as UV levels are high and we should all be sun-safe. Should a student not be wearing a hat, they will be restricted to being undercover. Hats are not available at school for students to borrow, but we have a limited supply for purchase at $6 each. Should you need to purchase a hat, please come to the office. Students Leaving If your child will no longer be attending Oak Park Primary School in 2025 (other than Grade 6 students) please advise the office and your class teacher as soon as possible. Staff are now in the process of planning for 2025, so this information is crucial to that planning. You may also email Fran at [email protected] Unexplained Absences We have been back at school for 2 days this term, and unfortunately there are an extraordinary number of unexplained absences. It is a requirement that if your child is absent that you notify this absence via Compass. If your child has been absent without a reason, it becomes unexplained, therefore parents/guardians need to add in a reason. Thank you for your prompt attention to this P.F.A. News MEETINGS: Below are the PFA meeting dates for the reminder of the year to put in your diary! Meetings start at 7.30 pm and are held in the staffroom at the school. All are welcome to attend. Term 4 Tuesday 12 November Tuesday 3 December (mtg/end-of-year celebration) Fun Run Challenge ALERT: GET READY FOR THE BEST SCHOOL DAY EVER! Hello Oak Park Primary School families, We’ve got some exciting news to share – we are holding a School Fun Run! This year, we've got our eyes set on some important fundraising goals for the development of the Wellbeing Hub, aiming to achieve a target of $25,000. We're reaching out to all our amazing families to join forces and make this a success. All it takes is: 1. creating an online profile 2. sharing your link with family and friends. Please mark your calendars – we will be holding our Big Show and Colour Day Fun Run on Wednesday 6 November at the school! What is the School Fun Run? It is an online fundraising program, where all students go home and create their own online profile. You get to pick your target prizes and work your way towards that goal. And here's the cool part – your profile comes with a unique cyber-safe link to share with your nearest and dearest, encouraging them to contribute towards reaching your target. What do we need you to do? All we need you to do this week is create an online profile at The class with the most profiles by Friday 18 October will get to run first on the day and get an icy pole! This is an inclusive fundraiser that we would love you to be a part of! If you would like to come down and watch your kids run, we would love to see you there. Thank you all in advance, OPPS Parents and Friends Association Great Cycle Challenge
Cycling Fundraiser – Go Shardy! One of our wonderful Year 6 students is participating in the Great Cycle Challenge for the sixth year in a row. A message below from Shardy and brother Sharky about their participation supporting a very worthy cause. If you’re interested in donating please use the link below. This October, Fernando Brothers is taking part in the Great Cycle Challenge to fight kids' cancer! Because right now, cancer is the largest single killer of children from disease in Australia – over 600 children are diagnosed with cancer every year and sadly, 3 die every week. Kids should be living life, not fighting for it. And so, we are riding and raising funds to support the Children's Medical Research Institute to continue their work into the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and finding a cure for childhood cancer. Please support our challenge by making a donation through our fundraising page to give these kids the brighter futures they deserve. Together, we can save little lives. Thanks for your support. Sharkya and Shardy Get on board, help spread the word, and donate 2025 Foundation Transition
We are looking forward to welcoming parents/guardians of our 2025 Foundation students to our Foundation transition sessions next term. During these sessions your child will get to meet one of our 2024 Foundation teachers, participate in some activities in the classrooms and meet some of their 2024 peers. Please see attached our timeline including the dates, times and important information for our 3 transition sessions as well as our final ‘Meet the Teacher’ session. If you already have a child at Oak Park Primary School and you will be enrolling that childs sibling for 2025, but have not yet completed an enrolment form, please email Fran to complete an enrolment form as soon as possible. [email protected] You may also collect a form from the office JUNIOR SCHOOL
Grade 2 Maths
Grade 2 students have been measuring volume in Maths. SENIOR SCHOOL
Hoop Time Regional Competition
The next rounds of basketball competition for our athletes will take place on the following days: Future Stars: Thursday 17th October @ Broadmeadows Stadium All Star Boys: Monday 11th October @ Broadmeadows Stadium Please stay tuned for the Compass Event Cricket Gala Day Cameron from Glenroy Central has organised a cricket Gala Day for the local schools in the area to participate in a friendly day of cricket action. We have 2 teams that we can fill for the day. If your child is interested in playing or you would like to help volunteer to coach/supervise in this tournament, please get in touch with me! Venue: J P Fawkner Reserve (awaiting council confirmation) Date: Friday 1st November 2024 Basic Outline:
After our Term 1 Grand final victory against Westbreen, our inter school cricket team is scheduled to play in the Division Finals at Heidelberg Park on Monday 28th October. All the students who represented Oak Park in this game will have the opportunity to compete again if they wish to do so Stay tuned for a compass event Liam Grade 5/6 Swimming This week the 5/6s went to Windy Hill to participate in swimming lessons! The students had so much fun learning how to kick and tread water, swim using a range of strokes and participate in some fun pool games. Lucas from 5/6C said "the games at the end were so much fun" and Ricky from 5/6C said "it was fun to go swimming but butterfly is really hard!". Ava from 5/6A said "I like how we learned how to do freestyle and our instructors were really nice". All of these things made it a memorable experience for our 5/6 students! Thanks to the parent helpers for making it possible and to the people who helped organise the event! 2025 Grade 6 Uniforms
GRADE 6 STUDENTS 2025 A representative from A PLUS UNIFORMS will be in attendance at Oak Park Primary School on MONDAY THE 14TH OCTOBER to size students for the GRADE 6 POLO TOPS and HOODED WINDCHEATERS. To enable the students to receive their garments by the start of 2025, order forms and payment must be received by FRIDAY 8th of NOVEMBER. Attached is an order form for your information. This form will be sent home with your child on the 14th of October listing items and sizes that have been tried on. NO LATE ORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THE 8TH OF NOVEMBER. Grade 6 to Year 7 Orientation Days
Tuesday 10th December 2024 & Wednesday 11th December 2024. Further information will be forwarded to families from the Secondary Colleges SPECIALIST
Performing Arts
Students were so excited to reflect on the concert experience and realised how much they had gained from the experience. During class Grade 5/6 students recounted the highlights from the concert experience and many students stated they had gained new skills and are more confident performing in front of an audience.
Moana JNR will be a treasured memory for all students and I’m so excited students have had time to reflect on their achievements from last term. Physical Education
Hey everyone! Welcome back for Term 4, I hope you all had a lovely break. As we settle back in for the last quarter of 2024, I would like to highlight some recent achievements from some of our students. Chloe in Grade 2 recently competed in the West Metro Regional Gymnastics Championships, claiming 1st in Vault, 2nd in Bars, 3rd in Beam, 4th on Floor, and 2nd Overall. This outstanding performance was enough to qualify her for the Victorian Championship Team where she will have the chance to compete this month. April and Keira from Grades 5 and 6 recently represented Australia Melbourne PAC Netball Cup. They played in U11's and came away as the Premiers after playing in overtime in the grand final against New Zealand. The girls also played against Tonga, Samoa, Cook Islands, Niue, New Zealand and Fiji. I want to congratulate these girls on their terrific achievements and the dedication they show to their chosen sports. We are all extremely proud of you and we all look forward to seeing what the future has in store for these young athletes. Keep chasing your dream! Liam Visual Arts
Your child(ren) will be bringing some artwork home this week, that they will have planned and made a start on in their Visual Arts classes. The artwork is being created for the annual PFA Kids Art Works fundraiser. Student artworks can be scanned and printed onto items such as calendars, diaries, greeting cards, mousepads and sketchbooks. Artworks need to be finished at home (if not already completed) and must be returned to David Flint (Art Teacher) in the Art Room by Friday October 18th (Week 2 Term 4). Any art related questions regarding this fundraiser can be emailed to the OPPS Art Teacher here. Ordering will be done by parents online and information will be communicated shortly by the PFA. Ordering will most likely occur close to the end of October (further information from the PFA will be sent out on the Compass app). There will be a 2 week window for ordering to take place. Any order inquiries can be directed to the PFA at the email address below. [email protected] This is an annual fundraising initiative that has been quite successful over the past 9 years. A portion of the money generated by Kids Artworks orders will be reimbursed to the school, assisting with funding programs and initiatives for the 2025 school year. We highly value the continued support shown by the OPPS community for this fundraising initiative. Thank you! David Flint Visual Arts Teacher & OPPS PFA Community News
Basketball is a popular sport for boys and girls of all ages and abilities. If your child already plays or wants to try, check out the affordable programs on offer in the area and help them improve their skills and confidence and make new friends in a fun, safe setting with professional coaches: Term 4 basketball programs: School Contacts